日期:2008-07-08 THERE was once a merchant who was so rich that he could have paved the whole street with gold, and would even then have had enough for a small alley. But he did not do so; he knew the value of money better than to use it in this way. So clever was h... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-07-08 THE flax was in full bloom; it had pretty little blue flowers as delicate as the wings of a moth, or even more so. The sun shone, and the showers watered it; and this was just as good for the flax as it is for little children to be washed and then k... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-07-08 FAR down in the forest, where the warm sun and the fresh air made a sweet resting-place, grew a pretty little fir-tree; and yet it was not happy, it wished so much to be tall like its companions- the pines and firs which grew around it. The sun shon... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-14 People fool ourselves in this world; Chasing after shadows So numerous are they that often, We cannot count the number. Let us look at the dog of which Aesop speaks. This dog, seeing his prey reflected in the water, Dropped it for its image and nearl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-14 An Ass and rude horse were travelling together. The Horse carried little beyond his own tether. While the poor laden beast beside him did struggle; So overburdend that he finally faltered. He pleaded with the Horse to show him some pity, Else he woul... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-14 Aesop tells of a peasant Charitable, but not too wise One winter's day was traveling Around the land he tended. He saw a serpent stretched out in the snow Cold and frozen, paralyzed Having little time to live. The villager took him home And, without... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-14 The day the tyrant married, his subjects celebrated. They feasted and drank jugs of wine, But only Aesop could divine That they had little cause to be elated. This Sun, said he, has plans beyond Getting to the marriage bed. Suddenly, as one, there r... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-14 A vain stag saw himself reflected While standing in a crystal pool. His antlers like a thicket spread But when he looked below he rued The sight of his narrow limbs Which thinned to nothing under him. My legs do not match my head He said in sorrow r... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 An Old Man and his Ass were riding one day And spied a lush meadow at the side of the way. The man let go the reins and the grizzled* one raced Out into the lea at a furious pace. Gamboling, scratching, enjoying the green, Rubbing his back and eatin... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 Jupiter had a farm to rent And bade Mercury have people present Themselves upon the appointed day; To make their offers and see what may. Things went as one might expect; One man saying the farm was in poor condition, While others commented in much... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 A stag having fled into an oxen stable At first was warned by them To seek better shelter elsewhere. 'Brothers,' said he to them, 'do not betray me: And I shall tell you of the best pastures; This service could be of useful to you someday, And you wi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 Only usage warrants possession I ask this of people who have this passion Of always hoarding money on top of money. What advantage has he over another man? Diogne yonder is as rich as they, And the miser over there lives as *he did, a beggar. The man... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 The wish to fool Heaven, is madness on Earth; The hearts' tunnel in its detours holds Nothing which isn't first lit up by the Gods. Everything man does, he does within their sight Even actions done in darkness, or so he thinks. A pagan who was under... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 One day Socrates was having a house built, Each one in turn found fault with the work: One thought, no fooling, the interior to be, Unworthy for such a great person; Another disliked the front, and all agreed The rooms were far too small. Such a hou... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 A Nanny-goat went out to fill her empty milk bag And graze newly sprung grass, She fastened the latch tight, Warned her Kid saying: Do not, upon your life, Open the door unless you are shown This sign and told this password: ' Plague on the wolf and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 From the beginning of time Horses were not born for Men. Once Man was quite satisfied eating acorn, Donkey, Horse and Mule dwelt in the forest; And one saw not, as in this century, So many saddles and various packs, Nor such fittings for warfare, Ma... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 The first man who ever saw a Camel Fled from this new strange new thing; The second came closer, the third dared to make A halter for the Dromedary. Custom thus renders everything familiar, What once seemed to us terrible and odd Becomes humdrum in... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 Let's not force our talent, As nothing would be performed gracefully: Never has a dolt, no matter how much he tries, Could ever be taken for a gentleman. Few people blessed by the Heavens, Possess the inborn gift to seduce in life. 'This a matter on... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-05-07 The fly and the ant were arguing over their worth. Great *Jupiter said the former, Must self-esteem blind the minds In such an odious way, That a vile and rampant animal Dare to claim equality with a flying damsel? I haunt Palaces, at your table I si... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-04-06 SOME editors of newspapers were engaged in diffusing general intelligence and elevating the moral sentiment of the public. They had been doing this for some time, when an Eminent Statesman stuck his head out of the pool of politics, and, speaking fo... 阅读全文>>

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