日期:2008-03-18 AN Old Man, afflicted with a family of contentious Sons, brought in a bundle of sticks and asked the young men to break it. After repeated efforts they confessed that it could not be done. Behold, said the Old Man, the advantage of unity; as long as... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 A LION who had caught a Mouse was about to kill him, when the Mouse said: If you will spare my life, I will do as much for you some day. The Lion, good-naturedly let him go. It happened shortly afterwards that the Lion was caught by some hunters and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 JUPITER commanded all the birds to appear before him, so that he might choose the most beautiful to be their king. The ugly jackdaw, collecting all the fine feathers which had fallen from the other birds, attached them to his own body and appeared a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 A WOLF saw a Goat feeding at the summit of a rock, where he could not get at her. Why do you stay up there in that sterile place and go hungry? said the Wolf. Down here where I am the broken-bottle vine cometh up as a flower, the celluloid collar bl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 SEE these valuable golden eggs, said a Man that owned a Goose. Surely a Goose which can lay such eggs as those must have a gold mine inside her. So he killed the Goose and cut her open, but found that she was just like any other goose. Moreover, on... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 A LION wishing to lure a Bull to a place where it would be safe to attack him, said: My friend, I have killed a fine sheep; will you come with me and partake of the mutton? With pleasure, said the Bull, as soon as you have refreshed yourself a littl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 A CARTER was driving a waggon loaded with a merchant's goods, when the wheels stuck in a rut. Thereupon he began to pray to Hercules, without other exertion. Indolent fellow! said Hercules; you ask me to help you, but will not help yourself. So the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 A HARE having ridiculed the slow movements of a Tortoise, was challenged by the latter to run a race, a Fox to go to the goal and be the judge. They got off well together, the hare at the top of her speed, the Tortoise, who had no other intention th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 A TRUTHFUL Man, finding a musical instrument in the road, asked the name of it, and was told that it was a fish-horn. The next time he went fishing he set his nets and blew the fish-horn all day to charm the fish into them; but at nightfall there we... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 A DOG passing over a stream on a plank saw his reflection in the water. You ugly brute! he cried; how dare you look at me in that insolent way. He made a grab in the water, and, getting hold of what he supposed was the other dog's lip, lifted out a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-02-20 HAVING heard that the State was about to be invaded by a hostile army, a War-horse belonging to a Colonel of the Militia offered his services to a passing Miller. No, said the patriotic Miller, I will employ no one who deserts his position in the ho... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-02-20 AN Eagle was once captured by a Man, who clipped his wings and put him in the poultry yard, along with the chickens. The Eagle was much depressed in spirits by the change. Why should you not rather rejoice? said the Man. You were only an ordinary fe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-02-20 A MAN finding a frozen Viper put it into his bosom. The coldness of the human heart, he said, with a grin, will keep the creature in his present condition until I can reach home and revive him on the coals. But the pleasures of hope so fired his hea... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-02-20 A HERDSMAN who had lost a bullock entreated the gods to bring him the thief, and vowed he would sacrifice a goat to them. Just then a Lion, his jaws dripping with bullock's blood, approached the Herdsman. I thank you, good deities, said the Herdsman... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-02-20 A WOLF, who in devouring a man had choked himself with a bunch of keys, asked an ostrich to put her head down his throat and pull them out, which she did. I suppose, said the Wolf, you expect payment for that service. A kind act, replied the Ostrich... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-02-20 A FAMISHING Wolf, passing the door of a cottage in the forest, heard a Mother say to her babe: Be quiet, or I will throw you out of the window, and the wolves will get you. So he waited all day below the window, growing more hungry all the time. But... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-02-20 SOME Pigeons exposed to the attacks of a Kite asked a Hawk to defend them. He consented, and being admitted into the cote waited for the Kite, whom he fell upon and devoured. When he was so surfeited that he could scarcely move, the grateful Pigeons... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-02-20 A FAWN said to its father: You are larger, stronger, and more active than a dog, and you have sharp horns. Why do you run away when you hear one barking? Because, my child, replied the Buck, my temper is so uncertain that if I permit one of those no... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-02-20 A LION roaming through the forest, got a thorn in his foot, and, meeting a Shepherd, asked him to remove it. The Shepherd did so, and the Lion, having just surfeited himself on another shepherd, went away without harming him. Some time afterward the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-02-20 A SPENDTHRIFT, seeing a single swallow, pawned his cloak, thinking that Summer was at hand. It was.... 阅读全文>>

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