日期:2015-02-23 Researchers have unveiled a new type of sensor that could give humans the ability to detect magnetic fields. 研究人员日前发布了一款新型传感器,可让人类拥有探测磁场的能力。 It works in the same way as bacteria, insects and even vertebrates like birds... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-02-23 Eternal youth could be one step closer following the successful transformation of old human cells into young ones. 随着科学家成功地将人体衰老细胞转换成年轻的细胞,人类距离青春永驻的梦想将更近一步。 The process increases the length of the 'telomeres'... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-02-13 In Silicon Valley, it's never too early to become an entrepreneur. Just ask 13-year-old Shubham Banerjee. 在硅谷,何时成为一个企业家都不嫌早。看看这个13岁的男孩舒布哈姆班纳吉就知道了。 The California eighth-grader has launched a company to develop l... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-02-12 A team of scientists from University of Freiburg in Germany are developing a shoe with a sensor to automatically tie its laces that could be taken off when users click their heels together. 德国弗莱堡大学的一个科学团队正在研究一种可利用传感器自动系... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-02-08 A Swedish company has implanted microchips in its staff which allows them to use the photocopier, open security doors and even pay for their lunch. 瑞典一家公司将微型芯片植入员工体内。通过这些芯片,员工们可以使用打印机、打开安全门,甚至买午餐。 Arou... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-01-30 A U.S. company claims to have invented an injection which can banish that chin bulge. 一家美国公司宣称已经研发出一种可以消除下巴赘肉的注射药物。 ATX-101, an experimental drug made by California-based Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, is injected into the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-01-24 Anybody can make Mario, Nintendo's world-famous little plumber, race through the Mushroom Kingdom, chasing coins. But what if Mario could do it on his own? 《超级马里奥》是任天堂游戏公司出品的世界级名作,任何人都可以控制水管工马里奥在蘑菇王国中跑着... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-01-19 Hunting for clothes in a busy shop can be a nightmare, but shopping online can be a bit hit-and-miss. 在拥挤的商店里寻找衣服或许是一个恶梦,但在网上购物多少又有点拿不准。 This has led to a number of company's coming up with a compromise - interactiv... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-01-11 It may not be the smartest phone on the market, but Nokia's latest handset has one huge advantage - a battery that can last for a month between charges. 诺基亚近期推出的这款手机或许不是市场上最智能的手机,但有一个巨大的优势:单次充电以后待机一个月。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-01-11 A drug dubbed an 'imaginary meal in a pill' is being developed by scientists. 美国科学家正在研发一种装有虚拟食物的药丸。 The pill tricks the body into thinking it has consumed a large amount of calories - as if you have just eaten a substantial meal... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-31 Scientists have made primitive forms of artificial sperm and eggs in a medical feat that could transform the understanding of age-related diseases and fertility problems. 科学家已于近日制造出人造精子和卵子的雏形。这一医疗壮举有望转变人们对于年龄相关... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-28 Researchers say virtual reality could be used to give people a new perspective on racism -allowing them to experience life as another person. 研究人员表示,虚拟现实技术能够让人们体验做别人的感觉,进而让人们用一种新视角看待种族主义。 British experts... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-28 One enterprising Danish firm has now created a beer to boost creativity - and even a bottle that ensures you drink the perfect amount. 丹麦的一家积极创新的公司已经酿制出一种可以激发创造力的啤酒只需一瓶就能足够让你的创造力爆发。 Called the Problem So... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-28 A pair of jeans containing material that blocks wireless signals is being developed in conjunction with anti-virus firm Norton. 反病毒公司诺顿正在与厂商联合研发一款由能屏蔽无线信号的材料制成的牛仔裤。 The trousers are intended to stop thieves hackin... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-22 After Christmas lunch with all the trimmings and, perhaps, a couple of glasses of port, it is inevitable that sitting down in front of the television will result in an unintended nap. 吃完备有各种配菜的圣诞午餐,或许餐后再来几杯葡萄酒,坐下来看看电... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-19 A new vending machine uses facial recognition technology to deny would-be snackers from buying certain foods that don't fit their personal profile. 一台新型的自动售货机通过面部识别技术,拒绝向吃零食的人贩卖不符合他们个人健康状况的食物。 The Luce X2... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-19 The Netherlands on Monday launched its first-ever intelligent bicycle, fitted with an array of electronic devices to help bring down the high accident rate among elderly cyclists in the bicycle-mad country. 荷兰在周一推出了其国内首款智能自行车。这种... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-14 A new form of artificial skin, threaded with a network of artificial sensors, could recreate the sense of touch for people wearing prosthetic limbs, researchers revealed. 研究人员透露,一种植入传感器网络的新型人造皮肤能让戴假肢的人重获感知体验。 Res... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-14 A mountain-sized asteroid which crosses paths with the Earth every three years has been discovered by a Russian scientist. 近日,一名俄罗斯科学家发现了一颗山峰大小的小行星每三年都会经过地球的运行轨道。 Vladimir Lipunov, a professor at Moscow State U... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-13 Maybe one day, cars could detect whether a driver's voice sounds drunk, to stop them from driving and prevent accidents. 也许有一天,车辆可以根据驾驶员的声音自动检测他们饮酒与否,从而阻止其驾车、预防交通事故发生。 Researchers in Germany have created... 阅读全文>>

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