Cyberlove between a Chengdu woman and an American man
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Chinanews, Chengdu, April 4 - Ma Diyin, 46, married Laurent, 47, on April 1, after getting to know each other via the Internet some 8 months ago. A Chinese-style wedding ceremony was held in a restaurant in Chengdu, punctuated1 with side shows of acrobatics2, Sichuan operas and folk dances.


Ma was divorced, when she saw Laurent's information at a dating website in early last July . "In the picture, he was in a red down jacket and standing3 on a snowfield, smiling at me," said Ma. Then she sent an E-mail to Laurent, with a picture of herself. Laurent replied to her E-mail the following day, saying "when I saw your picture, I could feel that you were smiling at me, too." From then on, the two E-mailed each other regularly, and Ma learned that Laurent was very fond of Chinese culture.


Last July 20, Laurent told Ma that he would visit Chengdu, and that was how they first met.


Laurent said a lot to Ma when he was about to leave; however, Ma could hardly understand his words, except "I love you". Thus Laurent wrote a note to propose to her, and Ma accepted at once.


They wrote at least 20 E-mails every day in the next 8 months, until they got married last Sunday.



1 punctuated 7bd3039c345abccc3ac40a4e434df484     
v.(在文字中)加标点符号,加标点( punctuate的过去式和过去分词 );不时打断某事物
  • Her speech was punctuated by bursts of applause. 她的讲演不时被阵阵掌声打断。
  • The audience punctuated his speech by outbursts of applause. 听众不时以阵阵掌声打断他的讲话。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 acrobatics IzgzpT     
  • Acrobatics is hard to learn but beautiful to watch.杂技不好学,但很好看。
  • We watched a performance which included a puppet show and acrobatics.我们观看了一场演出,内容有木偶和杂技。
3 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。