日期:2016-11-30 For those not familiar, hygge refers to the Danish lifestyle craze thats seen something of an international hysteria of late; a concept roughly described as a feeling of comfort and contentment, as well as indulging in all the good things and people... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-27 Pudgy older fathers live longer, are more attractive to the opposite sex and are better at passing on their genes than their leaner counterparts, scientists have claimed. 科学家表示,年长体胖的男性比偏瘦的男同胞更长寿,更吸引异性,生育能力也更强。 B... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-27 If you weep at the thought of a White House without Barack Obama, take comfort in Netflixs new original biopic about the future POTUS as a 20-year-old college student. 如果你因为奥巴马将要离开白宫而伤心流泪的话,那就到网飞公司新制作的传记电影里寻找... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-27 Oxford Dictionaries has declared post-truth as its 2016 international word of the year, reflecting what it called a highly-charged political 12 months. 《牛津词典》宣布post-truth(后真相)为2016年度词汇,这个词反应了这一年政治领域高度紧张的状态。 It... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-26 Warner Bros. is working with BuzzFeed Motion Pictures to tell the true story of the internet phenomenon. 华纳兄弟正与BuzzFeed影业合作,将一个真实的互联网事件拍摄成电影。 The Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons is set to topline Brother Orange, Warner B... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-26 Hayao Miyazaki knows the world needs him right now. Hes heard our call. 宫崎骏知道现在世界需要他。他也听到了影迷们的呼唤。 The Studio Ghibli co-founder and director will step out of retirement to make one final project, one which would be his first... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-22 Warner Bros. TV and CBS are in the early stages of developing a spinoff of The Big Bang Theory that would revolve around the Sheldon Cooper character as a youth. 华纳兄弟电视公司和哥伦比亚广播公司正在研究以《生活大爆炸》中谢耳朵为核心角色的衍生剧,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-15 Brexit (noun): The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union Dude food (noun): Junk food such as hot dogs or burgers, which are considered particularly appealing to men Hygge (noun): A concept, originating in Denmark, of creating cosy... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-15 UNICEF is calling on world leaders to reduce air pollution, saying it leads to the deaths of more children yearly than malaria and HIV/AIDS combined. 联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)呼吁各国领导人减少空气污染,该组织称每年死于空气污染的儿童比死于疟疾和艾... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-07 Disney fans, rejoice: Emma Watson will definitely be donning a version of Belles much-loved sunshine-hued ballgown in the studios forthcoming live-action Beauty and the Beast adaptation. 迪士尼的粉丝们,欢呼吧:艾玛沃森将在迪士尼工作室即将推出的真人... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-07 Funny, a made-in-China emoji, inclusively used on Tieba, the largest Chinese communication platform provided by the search engine giant Baidu, seems to have recently moved beyond just China. 贴吧是中国最大的交流平台,由搜索引擎巨头百度推出。同时,它... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-04 Want to be the perfect houseguest and get invited back again? Dont use your phone, always take off your shoes and never ask for the Wi-Fi password. 想要成为一位完美的宾客吗?想再次被邀请吗?不要使用手机,始终脱鞋,永远不问Wi-Fi密码。 An etiquette st... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-04 Researchers in the US claim they have discovered the answer to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. 美国的研究者声称已经破解了百慕大三角之谜。 Covering more than half a million square miles of ocean located between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rica,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-04 If youre a snorer, pregnant or just want to show your body some love, try sleeping on your left tonight. 如果你睡觉打呼,或者怀着宝宝,或者只想对自己身体好点,那今晚就试着向左侧睡吧。 Theres bad news for those of us who do it on our backs, on our tu... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-02 Youre sleeping too much Is there such a thing as too much sleep? It seems so. According to sleep experts at Swedens Katolinska Insitute having an irregular sleep schedule confuses our natural cycle. Sleeping in really late, taking long naps, or ones... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-11-02 If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, you are likely to be bad at sports but better at verbal memory tasks, a new study says. 一项最新研究指出,如果你的食指比无名指长,那么你可能运动很糟糕,但擅长言语记忆类工作。 But men and women wi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-10-28 Watching a 3D movie can more than double the concentration powers and cognitive processing of children, new research claims. 一项新研究声称,观看一部3D电影可以让儿童的注意力和认知处理速度提升一倍多。 A study by visual technology firm RealD and led b... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-10-28 The next time someone asks you where the biggest ocean is, point them toward Jupiter. While Earth harbours about 320 million cubic miles (1,333 cubic km) of water, our planet is practically a desert compared to the rest of the Solar System. 下回有人... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-10-16 Red means stop, green means go, and yellow means hurry up and make that damn light. Why those colors, though? Why not blue, purple, and brown? I have to admit that aside from a hunch that it had to do with wavelengths, I had no idea myself, so I dec... 阅读全文>>

日期:2016-10-11 Just ask any one of the 300,000 Americans who develop kidney stones: What if the excruciating pain of passing one of those little devils could be prevented by strapping yourself into a make-believe runaway mine train, throwing your hands in the air... 阅读全文>>

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