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And a few mornings later, in a different home.

Magda: Why bringing rat into New York house?

Husband: So Brady can win the second grade science affair. Right big boy?

Brady: Yeah I'm gonna win!

Husband: Sit down please and have some breakfast.

Miranda: I can't. I have this presentation today and I'm sick to my stomach. I used to love going to work and now I'm sick of the thought of it.

Magda: Here. Two bites.

Miranda: Thanks Magda.

Husband: You don't have to keep pushing yourself do this. You can quit.

Miranda: I'm a lawyer. That's who I am.

Husband: Life is too short. Go some place where they appreciate you until you find a better job you can be home and help around the house.

Miranda: I've waited too long to get here. I just have to suck it up!

Magda: Yeah!

Brady: Mom, you're gonna come to the science affair today?

Husband: Sorry honey. She can't. Mummy...

Brady: She has to go to work, yeah.

Kevin: We think that these new number show much more optimistic upside for and the savings1 that we found of the client2 will easily make for this legal fees.

Tom: So it's win-win?

Miranda: It's totally win win Tom and what's more based on...

Tom: Kevin I'd like you run with this from here on.

Kevin: But it's Miranda's case.

Tom: Actually it's the firm's case. As the senior partner I'm... Is there a problem?

Miranda: I don't know! Is there?

Tom: Did you have something you'd like to say to me in private?

Miranda: I don't know that it needs to be in private. I quit.

Husband: Good for you! Are you ok?

Miranda: I'll get another job, a better job. I already called that hunter. Where is Brady?

Teacher: Our first prize goes to Brady for his "mouse maze3".

Brady: Hey mum! I won!

Miranda: I made it! I never make it!

There can be many tortured4 moments in the life of someone who spend their days writing books. The end to those moments is the moment the finished book finally arrives. I do. Do I? To all the former single girls.

Carrie: Hello.

Charlotte: Do I have anything to worry about?

Carrie: Can you be more specific?

Charlotte: I mean with the nanny and Harry5.

Carrie: That's just Samantha.

Charlotte: You are the one who said that thing about Jude Law.

Carrie: Sweety, that was a joke. It was right there. I had to go for it.

Charlotte: And that was funny.

Carrie: No I really wish I hadn't say anything.

Lily: Look mummy.

Charlotte: Just a second  honey! I just have to finish these cup cakes for the party after school tomorrow Ok? Wait. What was I saying?

Carrie: Should you be threatened.

Charlotte: Did I say threatened? Should I be threatened?

Lily: Look mummy look.

Charlotte: Ok honey, let me just put Rose in her chair, ok? Carrie I'm gonna put you down for a second. I'm gonna have to put the baby down.I'll be right back. Ok sweetheart, oh I know.

Lily: Look mummy look! Look at me!

Charlotte: Ok I'm listening.

Carrie: Did you have any worries before the Samantha comment?

Charlotte: No, of course not, I love Erin and I trust Harry.

Carrie: I believe you just answered your own question. Lily! This skirt is vintage!

Carrie: What skirt?

Charlotte: It's the Valentino!

Carrie: Sweety, I'm so sorry.

Charlotte: I've gotta go. Lily, look at what you did! Mummy just has to get something. Ok?

Lily: Mummy! Mummy!

Charlotte: Mummy will be out in a minute.

Lily: Mummy! Mummy!

Charlotte: I'm just getting more sprinkles6.

Erin: Of course. Let's go and play in my bedroom. Mum needs some cooking time.

Charlotte was thankful to have Erin come home at that moment. Threat or no threat. Bra or no bra.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. big boy:大人物,大亨。父亲这样说是在鼓励Brady得奖。

2. sick to my stomach:没胃口了。Miranda碰到了苛刻的老板,因此在准备工作材料时着急得“没有胃口”。

3. two bites:吃两口吧。

make two bites at a cherry: 过分小心,或指均分微不足道的东西。例如:

Never make two bites at a cherry.(做事不要拖泥带水。)

There is no need to make two bites at a cherry. We can finish cleaning all the rooms today.(我们今天就可以把所有的房间打扫完,用不着分两次干。)

4. push yourself do this:逼迫自己这样做。

5. suck it up:逆来顺受,忍气吞声。例如:According to the then situation, what can he do except to suck it up and say nothing?(照当时情况,他除了忍气吞声又能怎么办呢?)

6. legal fees:律师费,诉讼费。

7. win-win:双赢的,常用说法为win-win situation。

8. go for:主张,拥护。凯瑞在这里的意思是“我当时得搭腔啊”。

9. cup cake:杯形蛋糕。

10. vintage:常用来形容“古老的,最佳的”,例如:This film is vintage Chaplin.(这部影片是卓别林的最佳代表作。)

11. sprinkles:装饰糕点用的着色珠子糖。


1 savings ZjbzGu     
  • I can't afford the vacation,for it would eat up my savings.我度不起假,那样会把我的积蓄用光的。
  • By this time he had used up all his savings.到这时,他的存款已全部用完。
2 client rVSyX     
  • She can't come to the telephone;she's serving a client.她不能来接电话,她正在接待一位顾客。
  • The lawyer produced a clever defence of his client.律师机智地为委托人辩护。
3 maze F76ze     
  • He found his way through the complex maze of corridors.他穿过了迷宮一样的走廊。
  • She was lost in the maze for several hours.一连几小时,她的头脑处于一片糊涂状态。
4 tortured 6da6f3781523d6779c3c1aea3c1e3b77     
使痛苦( torture的过去式和过去分词 ); 使苦恼; 使焦急
  • There were several problems which tortured the elderly man. 有几个问题折磨着那老人。
  • They tortured the man to make him confess his crime. 他们拷打那个人,使他招认他的罪行。
5 harry heBxS     
  • Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
  • Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
6 sprinkles 8eb8c1052daec02885ad074f5022bc47     
n.少量,少数( sprinkle的名词复数 )
  • A sprinkler sprinkles water on the roads to lay the dust. 洒水车将水洒在路上以不使尘土飞扬。 来自辞典例句
  • She covered the cake with chocolate sprinkles. 她在蛋糕上撒了一层巧克力。 来自辞典例句
TAG标签: look mummy question