• 埃及出土一具3600年历史的木乃伊

    14-02-20 Spanish archeologists have unearthed a 3,600-year-old mummy in the ancient city of Luxor, Egypt's Antiquities Minister said Thursday. Prosecutors accused nine people including three Germans of smuggling stone samples from pyramids. 埃及文物部长穆罕...

  • toilet mummy 马桶木乃伊

    14-02-11 When someone is so concerned about toilet seat germs, they cover the seat with half a roll of toilet paper, leaving it to appear like it has been mummified. This is called toilet mummy . 有的人特别担心马桶座圈的细菌,就用一大堆厕纸厚厚地铺在座圈上,...

  • 埃及法老拉美西斯三世是被谋杀致死

    12-12-18 Conspirators murdered Egyptian King Ramesses III by slitting his throat, experts now believe, based on a new forensic analysis. 基于一项新的法医分析,专家相信,埃及国王拉美西斯三世被反叛者切断喉咙杀死。 The mummy of Ramesses III had a deep slit in t...

  • yummy mummy 漂亮妈妈

    12-12-13 Yummy mummy is a slang term used in the United Kingdom to describe young, attractive and wealthy mothers. The term developed in the 2000s, and was often applied to celebrity mothers such as Liz Hurley or Victoria Beckham, who appeared to quickly reg...

  • 玻利维亚将失窃木乃伊归还秘鲁

    12-11-07 Bolivia has returned a 700-year-old mummy to Peru, from where it was stolen by antiquities traffickers. 玻利维亚已将一具700年历史的木乃伊归还秘鲁,该木乃伊在秘鲁被文物贩子盗走。 The mummy was seized as a woman prepared to illegally ship it to France...

  • 印加一具木乃伊死前曾患肺部感染

    12-07-27 A 500-year-old frozen Incan mummy suffered from a bacterial lung infection at the time of its death, as revealed by a novel proteomics(蛋白质组) method that shows evidence of an active pathogenic infection in an ancient sample for the first time....

  • 《欲望都市电影版2》二

    11-11-01 精彩对白 And a few mornings later, in a different home. Magda: Why bringing rat into New York house? Husband: So Brady can win the second grade science affair. Right big boy ? Brady: Yeah I'm gonna win! Husband: Sit down please and have some breakfa...

  • 英国男子遗体被制成木乃伊

    11-10-22 A former British taxi driver has become the first person in the world for 3,000 years to be mummified in the same way as the pharaohs. 英国出租车司机艾伦比利斯去世后,被制成木乃伊,成为3000年来首个仿照古埃及人制作木乃伊法老的方法制作的木乃伊。 A for...

  • 古埃及人已发明使用人造脚趾

    11-02-15 Two artificial big toes one found attached to the foot of an ancient Egyptian mummy may have been the world's earliest functional prosthetic(假体的) body parts, says the scientist who tested replicas on volunteers. University of Manchester researc...

  • 埃及木乃伊发现患有心脏病

    09-11-18 Hardening of the arteries(动脉) has been detected in Egyptian mummies, some as old as 3,500 years, suggesting that the factors causing heart attack and stroke are not only modern ones; they afflicted(苦恼,折磨) ancient people, too. Study result...