10-12-14 Teenagers from the Chinese city of Shanghai have the best education in the world, according to a major international study of standards in in maths, science and literacy released Tuesday. 根据本周二最新发布的一项针对数学素养、科学素养和阅读素养的全...
10-12-12 Palinism and Obama-mess are likely to be among the top global words of 2011, as the United States gears up for its next presidential elections, according to a language monitoring group. 根据全球语言监测机构的最新预测,随着美国为下届总统大选热身,佩...
10-12-07 East Asia's emerging economies are leading world recovery with a likely growth rate this year of 8.8%, the Asian Development Bank says. 亚洲发展银行称,东亚新兴经济正在引领世界经济的复苏,本年度经济增长速度达到8.8%。 That will soften to 7.3%, said t...
10-12-02 Southampton researchers have estimated that sea-level rose by an average of about 1 metre per century at the end of the last Ice Age, interrupted by rapid 'jumps' during which it rose by up to 2.5 metres per century. The findings, published in Globa...
10-12-02 A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to world that lies beyond. It is difficult for any of us in moments of intense aesthetic(美的) experience to...
10-11-22 Their height made Wayne and Laurie Hallquist seem like an ideal match when they met seven years ago, and on Thursday they were matched with something else -- the title of world's tallest living married couple. 当韦恩和劳瑞霍尔奎斯特在七年前相遇时,...
10-11-21 联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会11月15日在肯尼亚首都内罗毕举行会议,中国的京剧和中医针灸,比利时的阿尔斯特狂欢节、西班牙的弗拉门戈舞蹈、哥伦比亚的瓦尤人社区规范体系、伊朗的卡山地毯编织传统技艺以及由欧洲、亚洲和非洲11个国家共同提交的猎...
10-11-11 The world's two leading movie industries have signed a pact to strengthen production, distribution and commercial ties. 世界两大主流电影公司签署一项协定以增强生产、发行、商业联系。 Bollywood is one of the world's largest film industries The popular...
10-11-08 Marathon world-record holder Haile Gebrselassie has announced his retirement from athletics. 马拉松世界纪录保持者海利格布雷塞拉西耶宣布退役。 Gebrselassie celebrates his Olympic gold in Sydney The 37-year-old from Ethiopia made the announcement afte...
10-11-06 Oil-rich Norway remains the best country in the world to live in, while Zimbabwe, afflicted by economic crisis and AIDS, is the least desirable, according to an annual U.N. rating released on Thursday. 联合国本周四发布人类发展指数年度排行榜,富产石...