• 苹果“梦想家”乔布斯逝世

    11-10-06 Former chief executive and co-founder of US technology giant Apple Steve Jobs has died, the company says. He was 56. 美国科技行业巨头苹果公司证实,前总裁、创办人史蒂夫乔布斯逝世,享年56岁。 Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of c...

  • 婴儿并不完全忘记所记之事物

    11-09-28 Six-month-old babies are severely limited in what they can remember about the objects they see in the world; if you hide several objects from an infant, they will only remember one of those objects with any detail. But a new study, which will be pub...

  • 调查:通勤痛苦指数

    11-09-17 Commuters in Toronto and Montreal may spend a lot of time in their cars, but a new survey shows they have a relatively stress-free commute compared with others. 多伦多和蒙特利尔的通勤上班族花在路上的时间可能就不短了,但一项最新调查表明,和其它城市相...

  • 婴儿如何理解运动的世界

    11-09-16 Watching children on the playground, we see them run, climb, slide, get up, and do it all again. While their movements are continuous, we language-users can easily divide them up and name each one. But what about people -- babies -- who don't yet ha...

  • 16家公司获评“环境友好型”企业

    11-09-15 A report has identified 16 companies from across the developing world that are best showing how to grow profits at the same time as actively tackling environmental and social challenges. 一份报告列出了发展中国家的16家公司,这些公司以能和谐处理盈利、...

  • 美宇航局发现“超视觉世界”

    11-09-09 Usually, running five minutes late is a bad thing since you might lose your dinner reservation or miss out on tickets to the latest show. But when a planet runs five minutes late, astronomers get excited because it suggests that another world is nea...

  • 《牛仔裤的夏天》五

    11-09-09 影片对白 Carmen: Here you go. Driver: You got a key, honey? Carmen: No. Driver: Doesn't look like anybody's home. Carmen: They're probably out looking for me. But I'll be fine, thank you. Driver: All right. Telephone message: Hi, this is Tibby. Here...

  • 美国牧师收获一枚2.1厘米长鸡蛋

    11-08-27 美国西弗吉尼亚州的一位牧师近日在自家农场里收获了一枚长2.1厘米、重3.46克的鸡蛋,比一美分的硬币稍大一点,牧师称这可能是世界上最小的鸡蛋。 The chicken egg is 2.1 centimetres long, or a bit bigger than a penny, and weighs 3.46 grams - a little more than...

  • 美国建成世界最强脉冲磁场

    11-08-24 Researchers at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory's Pulsed Field Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory have set a new world record for the strongest magnetic field produced by a nondestructive magnet. The scientists achieved a field of...

  • livable city 宜居城市

    11-08-23 Vancouver, the Canadian host city of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, remains the most livable city in the world, as it did in 2008. 2010年冬奥会的举办城市加拿大温哥华被选为全球最适宜居住的城市,这是该市在2008年之后再次当选最宜居城市。 在上面的报道中...