• Ambition 抱负

    10-09-08 It is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition(野心,抱负) . It would probably be a kinder world: without demands, without abrasions(擦伤,磨损) , without disappointments. People would have time for reflection. Such work as they did wo...

  • The Heaven of 33-2

    10-08-24 At that time, so very long ago, there were some unfortunate ugly gods called ' Asuras(魔鬼,阿修罗) '. They had taken to living in the second heaven world. The one who had been Magha the Good in his previous life, was now Sakka, King of the Heaven...

  • 纽约再现二战“胜利之吻”

    10-08-22 Times Square and buglers across the country will play the military funeral tune Taps on Saturday in the first national day of remembrance for the World War Two generation. 美国本周六迎来首个为二战一代举行的全国纪念日。届时,民众将聚集在时代广场,集...

  • 街头霸王乐队将开始世界巡回演出

    10-07-23 Hip-hop pop collective Gorillaz have announced their first world tour. 嘻哈音乐流行团体街头霸王宣布将开始首次世界巡回演出。 Gorillaz have played several festivals this summer The group will play 20 US shows, 10 nights in Europe - including two night...

  • 科学家发现天然的杀虫剂

    10-07-19 In the battle between insect predators(捕食者) and their prey, chemical signals called kairomones(利它素) serve as an early-warning system. Pervasively emitted by the predators, the compounds are detected by their prey, and can even trigger adap...

  • 南非世界杯向全世界展现一个崭新的非洲大陆

    10-07-17 北京时间7月12日凌晨,在经过31个日夜的鏖战之后,2010年南非世界杯落下帷幕。首次举办世界杯大赛的东道主南非在此期间向全世界的球迷和观众展现了一个崭新的非洲大陆,各国媒体均评价此次世界杯为非洲大陆的胜利、一次盛大的聚会以及组织良好的一届杯赛。 South Afric...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Help for Vets with PTSD

    10-07-12 Remarks of President Barack Obama As Prepared for Delivery Weekly Address July 10, 2010 Last weekend, on the Fourth of July, Michelle and I welcomed some of our extraordinary military men and women and their families to the White House. They were ju...

  • 英国12岁男孩举重140公斤 打破世界纪录

    10-07-11 British schoolboy Kyle Kane has been crowned the world's strongest 12-year-old after lifting a 22-stone weight at a junior bodybuilding event. 英国一个名叫凯尔凯恩的12岁男孩在一次青少年健身活动中举起22英石(140公斤)的重量,被称为世界最强壮的12岁男...

  • 背老婆世锦赛芬兰举行 芬兰人再度夺冠

    10-07-11 Finland continued to reign in the world wife-carrying championships on Saturday as Taisto Miettinen sprinted fastest along 253-metres (832-feet) track, carrying Kristiina Haapanen upside-down on his back. 一年一度的背老婆世界锦标赛于上周六举行,芬兰...

  • 古巴人赫尔南德创坐颠世界杯用球世界记录

    10-07-11 Cuban Erick Hernandez on Thursday said he had set a world record for juggling the Jabulani World Cup ball, while sitting down. 古巴人埃里克赫尔南德兹于上周四称,日前他创下了一项坐颠世界杯用球普天同庆的世界记录。 Ex-soccer player Erick Hernandez is s...