• 我忘了

    21-10-21 1 It slipped my mind. 我一不留神给忘了。 这句话用来强调一不小心,一不留神忘记某事,其中动词slip的本意是溜走,在这里可以译作(从记忆中)溜走,而代词it则指忘记的事情。 例句: - Ive told you a thousand times! No phone at work! -跟你说了一万遍了!工作时不...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 22

    21-10-19 1. When did the third wave of migration begin in Australia? A after the First World War B after the Second World War C during the Second World War D after the Vietnam War 2. In Australia, under ____the legislation to provide equal pay for men and wo...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 31

    21-10-17 1. Percy Bysshe Shelly is famous for ___. A Ode to a Skylark and Ode to a Nightingale B Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to the West Wind C Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn D Ode to the West Wind and Ode to a Skylark 2. Three of four famili...

  • 聊聊如何提高你的适应力

    21-10-14 人生中难免会遇到各种磕磕绊绊,然而,身处逆境时能够从容应对十分重要。如何衡量一个人的适应力?怎样可以更好地面对挫折? Weve all heard of IQ, and terms like EQ, which relates to your emotional intelligence, are commonly used. But have you heard of AQ?...

  • enjoy the fruits of others without having toiled 坐享其成

    21-10-13 坐享其成,汉语成语,意思是自己不出力而享受别人取得的成果(sit idle and enjoy the fruits of otherss work)。可以翻译为enjoy the fruits of others without having toiled。 例句: 我们怎能坐享其成? How can we sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others labo...

  • 17个不可按套路翻译的句子 下

    21-10-13 9 Students are still arriving. 学生还没有到齐。 10 I must not stay here and do nothing. 我不能什么都不做待在这儿。 11 They went away as wise as they came. 他们一无所获。(这句有点意料之外,不过仔细一想貌似的确有道理啊~) 12 I wont do it to save my l...

  • 辛苦了!

    21-10-13 你辛苦了的英文可不是Youre tired。中文里面说的你辛苦了,其实是表达感谢。所以,我们可以直接说 例句: I appreciate your help. 多谢你的帮忙! 如果是不太熟的人帮了你忙时,可以这样说,比较正式一些 例句: I couldnt have done it without you. Thanks! 没有你...

  • Laggy 迟缓(一般形容网络)

    21-10-09 Laggy 迟缓(一般形容网络) 英文释义: Slow and takes forever to work. 当你的wifi速度很慢的时候,你就可以说: My WI-FI these days has been behaving pretty laggy. 我的无线网这几天都很慢...

  • 英国的形成历史概况 2

    21-10-06 1. Geoffrey Chaucers best known work is the Canterbury Tales which describes a group of pilgrims traveling to Canterbury to visitTomas Beckets tomb. 杰佛利乔叟的名著《坎特伯雷故事集》描述了一群朝圣者到坎特伯雷参观托马斯贝克特坟墓的旅行。 2. The baro...

  • 现在完成时中for和since的用法

    21-09-25 在现在完成时中,for 和 since 用来补充说明一个动作或状态所持续的时间。在这两个词当中,for 用来说明动作或状态所延续的 时间段;since 用来提示动作从过去的一个 时间点 开始。做下面的测验题,巩固你对这两个词语在现在完成时中的用法理解。 1. Ive been waiting...