• 温莎公爵夫人被皇室婚礼所困

    23-01-29 沃利斯-辛普森,这位曾让英国国王爱德华八世为她放弃了大英帝国王位的女人,可能还爱着她的前夫,恩斯特-辛普森。在多封沃利斯写给恩斯特的、没有被曝光过的书信中,沃利斯透露了当年她自己的孤独感,和自己对于这场婚姻的不确定性。 The popular image is that of a r...

  • 《灰姑娘》第8章

    22-12-21 Ella nearly laughed out loud. Her fairy godmother? But you cant be. The beggar woman looked genuinely surprised. Why not? Because they dont exist, Ella replied. Theyre just made up. For children. Now, you know thats not true, the woman replied. Didn...

  • peoplekind 人类

    22-09-29 人类难道不是mankind或humankind吗?来看看关于人类的新词peoplekind。 一则有关性别词汇进化的新闻。有些人认为加拿大总理贾斯廷特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)政府通过国歌歌词中性化的法案有些偏颇。在埃德蒙顿市政厅,一位妇女总结女性权利的一些评论时提出一个与志愿服...

  • 对女性的尊称

    22-08-02 最早开始学习英语的时候,我们就知道,称呼女人有Miss和Mrs. 两种,未婚姑娘称作Miss,现今在美国,一般是十八岁以下的女孩被称为Miss,年龄再大的尽管尚未结婚,也很少被称为Miss了;已婚就称作Mrs.,维基百科中对Miss这个词来源的解释是: Originating in the 17th c...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 48

    22-07-21 When Philip returned to Amitranos he found that Fanny Price was no longer working there. She had given up the key of her locker. He asked Mrs. Otter whether she knew what had become of her; and Mrs. Otter, with a shrug of the shoulders, answered tha...

  • old man 老爸,老朋友

    22-04-24 在英语口语中,我们常听到老外称呼某人为old man,比如my old man或your old man。注意,这里可不是在说老男人哦~ old的确表示年老的,年迈的,当你说an old man时,可以理解为老人。 但在很多口语情境中,old man可以表示: old man ●someones father 老爸,父亲 ●...

  • 英语中区分性别的职业名称

    21-10-02 在汉语里,通常我们靠在一个职业名称前加男或女来区分做事人的性别,如:男技师、女医生、女警察等。但英语语言里没有规律的、通过词性或前后缀变化来区分职业性别的方式。有些职业名称中包含和性别有关的单词,如:postman 邮递员;policewoman 女警察等;也有些职业...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 35

    21-05-07 Edmund had determined that it belonged entirely to Fanny to chuse whether her situation with regard to Crawford should be mentioned between them or not; and that if she did not lead the way, it should never be touched on by him; but after a day or t...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 29

    21-05-07 The ball was over, and the breakfast was soon over too; the last kiss was given, and William was gone. Mr. Crawford had, as he foretold, been very punctual, and short and pleasant had been the meal. After seeing William to the last moment, Fanny wal...

  • a man/woman of his/her word 言而有信的人

    21-04-17 短语 a man of his word 或 a woman of her word 的意思是 一个言之有信、说话算数的人。它形容人诚实可靠、值得信赖,答应的事情一定能办到。 例句 I really like our accountant. Shes a woman of her word and has always done everything she said she would do....