• 千禧一代新郎选择婚后随妻姓

    21-02-10 在英国,女性婚后随夫姓这个传统已延续了一千多年。然而,这一惯例究竟从何而来?时至今日,婚后从夫姓的现象仍然非常普遍吗?近来,在千禧一代人中,有越来越多的男性选择夫随妇姓。 No one knows how long humans have been giving themselves names, but one thing...

  • 科学领域缺少女性工作者

    21-02-10 在科学、工程、科技和数学领域中,男性工作者的数量远远超过女性。尽管如此,女性对科学的发展做出过很多巨大的贡献,在其发展过程中扮演了重要的角色。但为什么在这些领域工作的女性人数一直不高?女性为什么不选择这些职业? Theres an old riddle used by psycholog...

  • 太空女性

    21-02-09 虽然女性已经探索太空多年,但登上太空的男性人数仍高于女性。美国航天局希望能组建一支性别平衡的队伍。顶级航天工程师们认为第一个踏上火星的人应该是一名女性。 Theres no doubt that one of the greatest achievements by humankind is the exploration of space....

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 24

    21-01-21 The Browns were up and out so early next morning that Bab and Betty were sure they had run away in the night. But on looking for them, they were discovered in the coach-house criticising Lita, both with their hands in their pockets, both chewing str...

  • 孩子更亲近妈妈 怎么办?

    20-12-14 That is totally normal. My recommendation: Be chill. The woman (your wife; his mom) played a much bigger role than you did in his early life, so you are pretty much screwed if you expect an even playing field for the first few years. As a rule, you...

  • 反身代词的用法

    20-12-14 当一个句子中的主语与宾语一致时,宾语则可以用反身代词。其中,第一人称和第二人称的反身代词是由形容词性物主代词 my、your、our 等加上 -self 或 -selves 组成的。比如:myself、yourself、yourselves、ourselves。第三人称的反身代词则由人称代词 her、him、them...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 2

    20-11-11 IM going to school this morning; so come up and get ready, said Fanny, a day or two after, as she left the late breakfast-table. You look very nice; what have you got to do? asked Polly, following her into the hall. Prink half an hour, and put on he...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 1

    20-11-10 Trevlyn lands and Trevlyn gold, Heir nor heiress eer shall hold, Undisturbed, till, spite of rust, Truth is found in Trevlyn dust. This is the third time Ive found you poring over that old rhyme. What is the charm, Richard? Not its poetry I fancy. A...

  • Little Women - Chapter 47

    20-09-30 For a year Jo and her Professor worked and waited, hoped and loved, met occasionally, and wrote such voluminous letters that the rise in the price of paper was accounted for, Laurie said. The second year began rather soberly, for their prospects did...

  • These Are My Jeans 那是我的裤子

    20-08-31 These Are My Jeans After going on a diet, a woman felt really good about herself -- especially when she was able to fit into a pair of jeans she had outgrown long ago. Look,look. she shouted while running downstairs to show her husband. I can wear m...