• 澳洲将投票决定同性恋婚姻合法化

    16-08-22 Australians will head to the polls in February 2017 to vote on whether they want same-sex marriage legalized. 澳大利亚将于2017年2月投票决定同性恋婚姻是否合法。 Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is expected to inform members of the Liberal National Par...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁参议院履行应尽义务

    16-05-07 Hi, everybody. Its now been 45 days since I nominated Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. Judge Garland is a man of experience, integrity, and unimpeachable qualifications. Judge Garland is someone who Senate Republicans are on record saying...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 21

    15-11-13 O western wind, when wilt thou blow, that the small rain down can rain? It was the first of June, the day of the general meeting, and there had not been a drop of rain yet. As Flory came up the Club path the sun of afternoon, slanting beneath his ha...

  • 首尔新宣传标语引争议

    15-11-02 South Korea's capital, Seoul, has chosen a new slogan to promote the city internationally, but it has left some people confused. 韩国首都首尔近日选用了一个新的宣传标语,以在国际上推广该城市。但这个新标语却令有的人一头雾水。 I.Seoul.U triumphed in a...

  • 维也纳选举 奥地利社会民主党获首位

    15-10-12 The Center-left Austrian Social Democrats (SPO) maintained the first place in Vienna election, defending their governance in the city, according to the official election results on Sunday. 维也纳地区选举,中左翼政党奥地利社会民主党保持了第一政党的位...

  • 奥巴马讲话 保护民众投票权利

    15-08-23 Hi, everybody.The right to vote is one of the most fundamental rights of any democracy.Yet for too long, too many of our fellow citizens were denied that right, simply because of the color of their skin. Fifty years ago this week, President Lyndon J...

  • 世界名人们对爱尔兰同性婚姻公投的反应

    15-05-30 In case you haven't heard, Ireland passed a historic referendum Friday. For the first time, same-sex marriage legalization was voted on by the people (they voted Yes btw). Here are some of the best celeb reactions to the news. 当地时间5月22日,爱尔...

  • same-sex marriage 同性婚姻

    15-05-26 Ireland has become the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. 爱尔兰成为世界上第一个通过公投将同性婚姻合法化的国家。 同性婚姻又称同性恋婚姻/同性别婚姻,我们可以用same-sex marriage或gay marriage表示,指生理性别或性...

  • 波兰大选 安杰伊·杜达获胜

    15-05-25 Exit polling in Poland is suggesting Andrzej Duda won the country's Presidential runoff. 波兰大选后民调结果显示,安杰伊杜达在总统决胜选举中获胜。 Duda, representing right-wing Law and Justice Party, has received 53 percent of the vote. Incumbent Bro...

  • 莱索托议会选举 首相塔巴内初步领先

    15-03-02 Prime Minister Thomas Thabane's All Basotho Convention (ABC) took an early lead in Lesotho's parliamentary elections, according to preliminary results released on Sunday. 莱索托周日公布的初步结果显示,首相托马斯塔巴内领导的全巴索托大会党在议会选举中...