• 中国大学开通人工智能专业

    19-04-16 A total of 35 universities in China will become the countrys first batch to open artificial intelligence courses for undergraduates, according to the Ministry of Education. 全国共有35所大学将首批开通本科人工智能课程。 A circular issued by the minist...

  • 剑桥认可中国高考成绩

    19-03-25 The University of Cambridge announced on its website that scores from Chinas college entrance exams are accepted in the schools entry requirements. 剑桥大学在官网上宣布,将中国高考成绩作为该校的入学要求。 Students whose scores rank among the top 0.1...

  • 浙商大学生凭每日步数享餐厅折扣

    19-03-15 Students at a college in Zhejiang Province can enjoy discounts at an on-campus restaurant based on the number of daily steps recorded in their pedometer on WeChat, according to Peoples Daily. 《人民日报》报道,浙江省某搞笑的学生可以凭微信上计步器显...

  • 柯洁被清华录取

    19-03-13 Chinese Go Chess prodigy Ke Jie has been admitted to Tsinghua University. 中国围棋奇才柯洁被清华大学录...

  • 翟天临被北电撤销博士学位

    19-02-20 The Beijing Film Academy has revoked the doctoral degree of actor Zhai Tianlin after he was found to have committed academic misconduct, the academy announced on Tuesday. 北京电影学院周二宣布,翟天临因学术不端被撤销博士学位。 As stated by the academ...

  • 清华大学成为亚洲顶级学府

    18-09-27 Tsinghua University becomes the highest-ranking university in Asia, according to the fresh Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2019 published on Wednesday. 2019年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名周三公布,清华大学成为亚洲的顶级学府。 THE...

  • 中国一流大学的数量世界第二

    18-08-16 The 2018 Academic Ranking of World Universities released on Wednesday by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy reveals that 62 research universities in China have made their list of the worlds top 500 universities. 2018世界大学学术排行榜本周三由上海软科教育...

  • 上海某大学收鹅当“学生”引热议

    18-08-14 Now that college entrance examinations are over, students are starting to receive their college admission letters. One university has created conversation online after accepting a goose as a student. 高考已经结束,学生们开始收到大学录取通知书。一所...

  • 一颗小行星命名为天津大学

    18-08-10 An asteroid has been named after Chinas Tianjin University, with approval from the Minor Planet Center of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). 经过国际天文协会小行星中心的批准,一颗小行星以中国的天津大学命名。 Asteroid Tianjindaxue (Tianjin U...

  • 美国新罕布尔大学接受中国高考成绩

    18-06-16 A US university will begin accepting the Chinese university entrance exam known as the Gaokao in an effort to attract more Chinese students. 为吸引更多中国学生,美国新罕布尔大学将接受以中国高考成绩申请入学。 The University of New Hampshire will be t...