• 网上社区交流易导致冒险的财务决策

    11-11-02 People who participate in online communities are more likely to make risky financial decisions, according to a new study from researchers at Rice University, the University of British Columbia and the University of Zurich. The study, Does Online Com...

  • 《邻家特工》四

    11-08-26 精彩对白 Ian:It doesn't look like they have chicken tenders here. Bob: Wait inside. I have to make a call. Firefly: This is Firefly . Bob: This is Bob Ho. I need help. Larry: Yeah, so I get pretty good grades at this university. I'm top of the clas...

  • 翻译辨误9

    11-06-17 Research experts with Chicago University made a remarkable new discovery. 正译:芝加哥大学的专家们有一个了不起的新发现。 误译:研究专家与芝加哥大学做了一个了不起的新发现。 解析:此译的主要问题出在不起眼的介词with上。英语中的介词有许多习惯用法,含义...

  • 日本精华大学将招收漫画博士

    11-06-11 日本京都精华大学本周二宣布,该校将于明年4月起正式开设漫画博士课程,从而成为日本首个培养漫画博士的大学。 Kyoto Seika University announced on Tuesday that it will offer Japan's first doctorate(博士学位) program in manga(日本漫画) studies to new st...

  • 哈佛大学荣登世界大学名气排行榜榜首

    11-03-20 Cambridge is the most highly regarded UK university in the world, according to new research. 根据新调查,剑桥大学被认为是全世界最好的英国大学。 The prestigious institution came third in a table ranking universities exclusively on their reputation am...

  • 上海纽约大学即将开始筹建

    11-01-23 华东师范大学校长俞立中透露,教育部正式同意筹建上海纽约大学,选址在浦东陆家嘴。该大学由华东师范大学和美国纽约大学合作举办,将成为国内第一所中美合作的国际化大学,2013年有望在全世界范围内招收首届本科生。 China's Ministry of Education has approved a pla...

  • 英国近半数女性后悔进大学

    11-01-15 Young women are losing faith in the university system with nearly half believing it is not worth getting a degree. 年轻女性正在对大学失去信心,近半数的女性认为攻读学位不划算。 Tuition fees and little chance of landing a good job make higher educatio...

  • Napoleon Was Ill

    11-01-12 Jack had gone to the university to study history, but at the end of his first year, his history professor failed him in his examinations, and he was told that he would have to leave the university. However, his father decided that he would go to see...

  • 躲过学费上涨 英国迎来入学申请潮

    11-01-08 Almost 230,000 students face missing out on university this year as the rush to escape higher tuition fees generates record demand for places. 为躲过学费上涨,英国近期掀起一股入学申请潮,申请人数创下纪录,但近23万学生今年将与大学无缘。 By Christmas,...

  • 英准王妃透视装俘获威廉王子

    10-11-27 It cost a mere 30 to cobble together. But the see-through black slip credited with helping Kate Middleton catch the eye of a prince could one day be worth 100,000. 英国准王妃凯特米德尔顿被认为凭借一身透视装俘获了威廉王子,而这件原价仅30英镑的透视装...