• travel-ready dishes 路菜

    14-05-26 Travel-ready dishes are the food prepared for traveling people to eat on the road. Travel-ready dishes should be easy to carry around and would not go bad in two to three months. 路菜是准备给旅行的人在路上吃的菜。路菜应便于携带,而且放上两三个月也不...

  • 九个有用的打包技巧

    14-05-11 Digging out your suitcase, deciding what to bring, panicking that you've forgotten something --it's no way to start a trip. 翻看行李箱、思考要带些什么、唯恐忘带某些东西这可没法让你成行。 That's why we've distilled the art of packing down to nine ess...

  • A Vacation Cruise 假日巡航游

    14-04-25 One stupid guy reads an ad about a vacation cruise that costs only $ 100. After he signs up and pays, the travel agent hits him with a bat, knocks him unconscious and throws him out the back door into the river. Soon another guy comes in, pays his f...

  • Armchair Tourism 神游

    14-04-07 Imagine the possibility of visiting any place in the world you want, maybe France, the Caribbean or even Alaska within one hour and without ever having to leave your living room. This form of niche tourism is referred to as Armchair Tourism, a fairl...

  • 《黑衣人3》二

    13-09-23 片段对白 Agent J: K get in yet? Man: Who? Agent J: You new? Man: Very funny, Agent J. Agent AA: J, everything you told me yesterday, you were right as rain . Thank God for that 10-hour stakeout . Agent J: Who are you? Agent AA: Exactly. I feel like...

  • 《清明》多种译本赏析

    13-08-01 《清明》 (唐)杜牧 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。 万昌盛、王中英译(韵式aabb) The ceaseless drizzle drips all the dismal day, So broken-hearted fares the traveler on the way. When asked where could be found a tav...

  • 雾霾使新加坡旅游业停滞

    13-06-30 Tourists, along with residents of Singapore, have been told to minimise their exposure to the smog, and to avoid outdoor activities, putting many of the city's attractions off-limits. 游客以及新加坡的居民都得到要求尽可能地减少与雾霾接触,避免户外活...

  • 空闲时光 度假

    13-04-08 I haven't had a vacation in a while. I think I'll take off soon. I'm not sure where I'll go or what I'll do. But I can learn a tourism place where I can go for a long road, breathe fresh air and take some nice pictures. When I was a kid, I really lo...

  • 观光旅游常用词汇

    13-03-19 旅游公司 tourism company 团体旅游 group tour 包价旅游/跟团旅游 package tour 春游 spring outing 秋游 autumn outing/fall excursion 蜜月旅行 honeymoon tour/bridal tour 境外旅游 overseas tour 中国国家旅游局 China National Tourism Administration 国际旅行...

  • 全球百城宾馆排名 伦敦最差

    13-02-03 Visitors to London have marked its hotels as the worst in a list of 100 cities due to overpriced minibars, lousy breakfasts and slow service, according to a survey released on Friday. 周五进行的一项调查显示,到访伦敦的游客在一份百座城市宾馆排名名单...