• 2023春节旅游市场也逐渐升温

    23-01-20 随着2023年春节的临近,春节旅游市场也逐渐升温。携程发布《2023年春节旅游市场预测报告》显示,春节期间旅游产品的预订量同比去年上涨45%,人均旅游花费同比提升53%。 China is expected to see a Spring Festival holiday with the largest number of travellers in...

  • 春运第一天全国共发送旅客3473.6万人次

    23-01-10 1月7日(春运第一天)全国铁路、公路、水路、民航共发送旅客3473.6万人次,环比增长11.1%,比2022年同期增长38.9%。 Some 34.74 million passenger trips were made Saturday, the first day of the 2023 Spring Festival travel rush, new data showed. The figure wa...

  • travel over mountains and rivers 跋山涉水

    22-12-13 跋山涉水,汉语成语,意思是指翻山越岭,趟水过河,形容旅途艰苦。可以翻译为travel over mountains and rivers,make an arduous journey等。 例句: 他们跋山涉水,步行二百余公里,来到了一个小村庄。 Across hills and rivers, they walked more than two hundred...

  • jobbymoon 工作转换之间休个假

    22-09-28 日前,一些《纽约时报》的读者们关注到Sarah Firshein在报纸网页上提及的词汇:jobbymoon,即在工作转换之间休个假。 Firshein解释道: ah, i suppose i should give myself a proper jobbymoon instead of all this bleisure travel Tracy Chou (@triketora) June 14,...

  • travel tips 旅游攻略

    22-08-26 Jessica在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是吴琼要问的:攻略。 Jessica: Wuqiong, what are you doing on the computer? Youve spent hours on the Internet! WQ: Jessica, 我下个月要去意大利,出门在外,不先看看旅...