• 音乐训练能影响衰老过程

    12-01-31 Age-related delays in neural timing are not inevitable and can be avoided or offset with musical training, according to a new study from Northwestern University. The study is the first to provide biological evidence that lifelong musical experience...

  • 团队训练能够保护生命?

    11-12-18 Whether the task is flying a plane, fighting a battle, or caring for a patient, good teamwork is crucial to getting it done right. That's why team-building and training courses are big business in the U.S., and have been for decades. But lately some...

  • Visual Training

    10-11-11 The squad(班,小队) were having visual training. One smart recruit(新兵,招募) was asked by the officer to count how many men composed a digging party in a distant field. The party was so far away that the men appeared as mere dots, but unhesita...

  • 美军新兵引入瑜伽进行训练

    10-09-05 由于新兵体重超重和体能不达标等原因,美军今年的新兵训练计划取消了仰卧起坐等传统项目,引入了类似瑜伽或普拉提的训练方式,同时,让新兵胆寒的长跑项目也被缩减。 Soldiers at Fort Jackson, like Pvt. Alyssa Leggat, work on push-ups. The fitness regime involv...

  • 新训练方法可保证骑行者健康

    10-08-31 For competitive bicyclists with goals whether competing in the Tour de France(环法自行车赛) or aiming for the podium(颁奖台,指挥台) at a local race faster cycling comes from training regimens(生活规则,养生法) based on various zones of exerci...

  • The Heaven of 33-3

    10-08-24 King Sakka returned victoriously to his palace in the Heaven of 33. Next to it stood the mansion of his first wife, the reborn Good-doer. Outside the mansion was the garden of his second wife, the reborn Beauty. And there was the heavenly pond of hi...

  • 美国宠物狗训练营 主人和宠物齐锻炼

    10-06-26 With obesity rates on the rise among Americans and their pets, two Californian women have come up with an all-in-one solution - a doggy bootcamp where dog owners and their canine friends work out together. 随着美国人和他们的宠物的肥胖率不断上升,加...

  • Visual training 视力训练

    10-04-13 Visual Training The squad(班,小队) were having visual training. One smart recruit(新兵,招募) was asked by the officer to count how many men composed a digging party in a distant field. The party was so faraway(遥远的,恍惚的) that the men ap...

  • 省时省钱成今年健身新趋势

    10-01-09 Money, or the lack of it, changes everything, and that includes how people will be working out in 2010. 钱或者没钱能够改变一切,这其中包括2010年人们锻炼身体的方式。 Money, or the lack of it, changes everything, and that includes how people will be w...

  • Medics 'need bomb wound training' 医护人员“需要炸弹伤病训练

    09-07-24 Doctors need more training to deal with the victims of bomb blasts given the current threat of terrorism, a Lancet paper says. 一篇柳叶刀报纸称,在当前恐怖主义的威胁下,医生需要为炸弹爆炸的受害者进行更多的训练。 The bombing of a London bus took plac...