• 东京开设“女仆陪练”健身馆

    17-02-07 Maid cafes have been a big part of Japanese pop culture for a while now, but the maid phenomenon is transitioning into other areas as well. For example, a new gym near Tokyos famous Akihabara district offers patrons the chance to work out while assi...

  • Mother's revenge 妈妈的报复

    16-06-04 After two weeks of Air Force basic training. I called home. You wouldnt believe how strict they are, I complained. They even give demerits for things like not hanging your towel straight or not tightening the cap of your toothpaste properly. Well, d...

  • 菲律宾一名空军伞兵在跳伞时身亡

    16-04-08 A Philippine air force paratrooper died on Thursday during a parachute training jump with U.S. troops in northern Philippines, military officials said. 菲律宾军方官员表示,周四在与美军在菲律宾北部进行的一场跳伞训练中,一名菲律宾空军伞兵身亡。 Parach...

  • 闹鬼的校舍

    16-02-22 Ever since I can remember I have been sensitive. So it should've been no surprise to me the events that would take place in my early twenties. I am in the military and so, because of this, cannot identify specific locations since this particular inc...

  • 美特勤局申请再建一座白宫 作为训练基地

    15-03-25 Stung by breach after breach after breach after gaffe at the White House, the Secret Service is asking Congress for $8 million -- so it can build another White House. 白宫在一次一次又一次被闯入之后,特勤局决定他们要向国会申请八百万美元来再建一座白宫...

  • 音乐训练可提高大脑的执行能力

    14-06-20 A controlled study using functional MRI brain imaging reveals a possible biological link between early musical training and improved executive functioning in both children and adults, report researchers at Boston Children's Hospital. The study, appe...

  • 音乐训练能改变大脑结构与功能

    13-11-14 New findings show that extensive musical training affects the structure and function of different brain regions, how those regions communicate during the creation of music, and how the brain interprets and integrates sensory information. The finding...

  • Who's carrying the bags

    13-10-16 My youngest brother, Tony, had just completed basic training and was home on leave prior to his first tour in Germany. Since I was an Army National Guard pilot and my another brother was my crew chief, we offered to take Tony to catch his transport...

  • 90岁老人进行力量训练的益处

    13-09-30 After doing specific training for 12 weeks, people over the age of 90 improved their strength, power and muscle mass. This was reflected in an increase in their walking speed, a greater capacity to get out of their chairs, an improvement in their ba...

  • 健身课程

    13-04-15 Resist-a-ball 健身球 Kwando Aerobics 有氧搏击操 Pilates 普拉提课程 Powerflex 有氧杠铃操 Aerobics 健美操 Yoga 瑜伽 Kick Boxing 搏击操 Hip Hop 街舞 Step 踏板操 Latin Aerobics 拉丁健美操 Hi/Low Aerobics 有氧健身操 Spinning 动感单车 Ballet 芭蕾形体 Mart...