• 相对固定的量词搭配——食品

    22-05-26 a scoop of ice cream 一个冰淇淋球 (注意,不可用ball) a slice of pizza 一块披萨 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 a loaf of bread 一个面包 a grain of rice 一粒米 a sack of potatoes 一袋土豆 a cube of sugar 一块方糖 a basket of vegetables 一篮蔬菜 a han...

  • 荷兰史基浦机场用猪驱赶鸟类

    22-05-18 Are pigs the new scarecrows? 猪也能像稻草人一样,被用来驱赶鸟? Josse Haarhuis, Farmer, Extraordinary Pigs I think pigs are the best scarecrows you can have. They are really big, large, moving. And they are a natural way of keeping the geese away....

  • 健康的减肥方式

    22-04-08 1. Watch your portions 注意份额 2. Avoid sugar 不吃糖类 3. Have more meals a day but less food at each 少食多餐 4. Eat a reasonably balanced diet 保持营养均衡 5. Do exercise 锻炼...

  • easy on 少放点什么

    22-01-07 点菜、点饮料的时候也可以用easy修饰。 Easy on (food)点菜的时候,少放点什么 Please easy on sugar. 少放点糖。 Easy on cream, please. 少放点奶油。 Please easy on the ice. 少放点冰。 注意:使用的时候最好加please,比较礼貌。...

  • “无糖”奶茶真的无糖吗?

    21-10-12 据检测发现,所有号称无糖的奶茶均发现含有糖分,甚至比某些正常甜度样品的糖量都高。 据上海市消费者权益保护委员会的一项检测结果显示,27件正常甜度的奶茶样品中,含糖量为11-62克/杯,平均含糖量为每杯34克,其中最高的奶茶含糖量相当于14块方糖。 而在所谓的少糖...

  • 英国经济概况 4

    21-10-05 1.Arable farming emphasizes crop production and occurs on the more fertile soils. The chief crops are wheat, barely, oats, sugar beer and potatoes. During farming rears cattle primarily for milk production. Western regions with moderate rainfull, m...

  • 元气森林致歉声明登热搜

    21-04-14 如今,不少人为了追求健康都选择喝无糖饮料。元气森林凭借0糖、0脂肪、0卡路里的宣传卖点迅速抢占市场,成为了国内的网红饮料品牌。 而近日,元气森林的一则致歉声明却登上了热搜。 China beverage brand Genki Forest apologized Saturday for deceptively advertisin...

  • 无糖生活

    21-03-23 I miss my sugar! Ive decided to go on a diet to lose weight and I had to give up pastries and cakes. Its difficult because I have a sweet tooth and I love cream cakes. Not having treats can be good for your health. Ive heard that a whole family in S...

  • 甜味剂是否真的安全又健康?

    21-02-27 你喜欢吃甜食吗?你担心糖的摄入量过高吗?你也许听过甜味剂这个东东但对它真的了解吗?甜味剂真的像传说中那样又甜又健康吗?在英国,甜味剂产业估值约为六千万英镑。但甜味剂能有效帮助缓解英国肥胖人数增长的趋势吗? For many of us, the relationship we have wit...

  • 爱吃甜食给健康带来的隐患

    21-02-23 人人都听说过甜食吃多了对健康有害。研究发现食糖过量确实会引起一系列相关疾...