• 牛奶中的糖是“添加糖”吗?

    20-12-11 I use milk in my coffee. Is that added sugar? 问:我会在咖啡里加牛奶。这是添加糖吗? A quarter-cup of milk contains about 3 grams of a natural sugar called lactose. The sugar in milk is not considered an added sugar, and it doesnt overwhelm the live...

  • 我可以吃低糖的干果吗?

    20-12-11 Can I eat dried fruit on a low-sugar diet? 问:我可以吃低糖的干果吗? Dried fruit is packed with nutrients, but the drying process removes the water and concentrates a lot of fruit sugar in a very small bite. The risk is that it takes more dried fru...

  • 为什么不推荐“控糖”人士吃香蕉和葡萄

    20-12-11 Why arent bananas and grapes recommended for people cutting sugar? 问:为什么不推荐控糖人士吃香蕉和葡萄? While most fruits make a slow journey through the digestive tract, bananas and grapes are particularly high in fructose given the amount of fib...

  • 为什么“添加糖”比“天然糖”更不利于健康

    20-12-11 I have never understood why added sugar is more unfriendly to health than natural sugar, which can be found in abundance in so many fruits, starting with morning natural orange juice. Can you explain? 问:我一直不明白,为什么添加糖比天然糖更不利于健...

  • 英国开始对高糖饮料征税

    18-04-12 The UK is now levying a tax on high-sugar drinks in a bid to reduce obesity. 英国已开始对高糖饮料征税以减少肥胖。 Under the new tax, drinks with 5-8 grams of sugar per 100ml will be hit with a tax of 0.18, or $0.26 per liter. Those with over 8 grams...

  • On Eriskay

    17-05-11 On Eriskay Niall Campbell She met me at the fence. A kelpie whod stayed too long in this horse form, she mouthed the sugar on my palm, and when I slapped her barrel flank the goose moor stiffened with a sea perfume. Gulls gathered on the stoop. What...

  • 无糖饮料比全糖饮料更容易导致中风和痴呆症

    17-05-06 Adults who have at least one diet drink a day are three times more at risk from a stroke or dementia, research shows lately. 最近的研究显示,每天摄入1瓶以上无糖饮料的成年人中风或患痴呆症的风险要增加3倍。 Scientists say they should no longer be regar...

  • 纽约餐厅出售24K黄金比萨 售价2000美元

    17-01-07 A New York City restaurant is taking a stab at creating the most decadent pizza on the market with a pie topped in gold flakes, foie gras and even truffles. 纽约的一家餐馆正在尝试制作市面上最腐败的披萨,这种披萨表面覆盖了黄金薄片、鹅肝和松露。 The 2...

  • 一些以人名命名的食物

    16-08-22 Pavlova:帕夫洛娃(蛋白奶油水果蛋糕) pavlova是一种由酥皮、鲜奶油和水果制作的甜点,起源于澳大利亚和新西兰。这种甜点是以俄国芭蕾舞舞蹈家 Anna Pavlova(安娜帕夫洛娃)的名字来命名的,1926年帕夫洛娃在澳大利亚与新西兰巡演之后这种命名就出现了。很多人认为...

  • 12个关于食物的无稽之谈 下

    16-08-08 7 MYTH: Red meat is bad for you TRUTH: Red meat is rich in protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals. But you still shouldnt each too much as studies show that eating large amounts increases the risk of bowel cancer. The Department of Health re...