• 《朱莉与朱莉娅》精彩词句

    23-01-31 1. You dont have to bite my head off. Im just quoting Julia. 你不需要冲我发火,我不过是在引用朱莉娅的话。 2. Its just Ive never flunked a test in my entire life. 只是我这辈子从来没有考试不及格过。 3. What if I dont make my deadline, Eric? 埃里克,要...

  • 《疯狂动物城》第24章

    23-01-30 Judy and Nick found Weaselton standing on a street corner, selling random junk. Anything you need...I got it, he called. All your favorite movies! I got movies that havent even been released yet! In front of him were knockoff movies like Wreck-It Rh...

  • 《疯狂动物城》第10章

    23-01-30 Judy drove around in her traffic cart until she found Nick pushing a baby stroller down the street. She smiled when she saw him. Hi! Hello? Its me again! Hey, its Officer Toot-Toot, said Nick with a smirk. Ha-ha-ho! Judy gave a fake laugh, humoring...

  • 《超能陆战队》第12章

    23-01-28 Outside, Hiro and Baymax were slowly making their way down the street. Ive got to get you home to your charging station, Hiro said. Can you walk? Baymax took another step and plopped down on his butt. I will scan you now, he slurred. Scan complete....