• 利物浦开通英国首个快速步行道

    15-11-15 Britain's first ever fast pedestrian lane has opened in Liverpool city centre - following research that claims 47% of the nation finds slow walking the most annoying aspect of high-street shopping. 英国首个快速步行道在利物浦市中心开通,此前有调查称...

  • naked street 裸街

    15-10-29 Naked street refers to a street that has no signs, road markings, or traffic lights. Naked street(裸街)指没有任何交通标识、路标或者信号灯的街道。 Traffic lights, barriers, signs, curbs, and pedestrian crossings are all taken out. The idea behind i...

  • 英国公路将禁用用悬浮滑板

    15-10-23 They are the new favourite toy of the rich and famous, but it seems the likes of Lauren Goodger, Brooklyn Beckham and Rochelle Humes will no longer be able to use one to glide along the street. 悬浮滑板是富人和名人们的新欢,劳伦古杰、布鲁克林贝克汉...

  • 路的各种表达

    15-06-18 Road:从A到B的路都可以叫Road Street:城市里东西方向的街道 Avenue:林荫大道,或者是南北方向的街道 Plaza/Square:某个开阔空间(比如广场)周围的道路 Circle:圆形道路,通常围绕着公共空间,意思有点像Square,还有大环线的意思 Boulevard:中间或两侧一定有树,...

  • Where Am I 我这是在哪儿

    15-04-07 Nat lived in a small town in England. He always stayed in England for his holidays, but then last year he thought, I've never been outside this country. All my friends go to Spain, and they like it very much, so this year I'm going to go there too....

  • “路”的各种表达

    15-03-04 Street:城市里东西方向的街道 Road:从A到B的路都可以叫Road Avenue:林荫大道,或者是南北方向的街道 Plaza/Square:某个开阔空间(比如广场)周围的道路 Run:河流小溪附近的路 Bay:两头连接同一条道路的小路,港湾一样的弧形 Crescent:半圆形新月形的那些街道 Trai...

  • 1/3的屋主会定期“监视”邻居

    14-10-21 One in three homeowners admit they regularly 'spy' on their neighbours, it emerged yesterday. 据报道,有1/3的屋主都承认自己会定期监视邻居。 And nearly half say they peek from behind the curtains whenever they hear 'goings-on' in their street. Almost...

  • 巴黎最古老的书店面临关门

    14-10-21 Nestled between cafs and tour shops on the busy Rue Saint-Honor, the Librairie Delamain, the oldest bookstore in Paris, strikes an inconspicuous pose. 巴黎德拉曼书店是巴黎最古老的书店,它坐落在繁华的圣奥诺雷街,藏于咖啡馆和旅游商店之间,是那样的不起...

  • Shade in the street 大街上的阴凉处

    14-07-02 It was a very hot day in the middle of summer, and there no trees along the street. Mr Smith closed his shop at half past five, went out into the street and walked to the bus. He was very fat. The sun shone straight down the street and in a few minu...

  • 路上骑自行车的人越多 碰撞几率越小

    14-06-25 A University of Colorado Denver study examining collisions between bicycles and motorists, shows bicyclist safety significantly increases when there are more bikes on the road, a finding that could be attributed to a safety in numbers effect. The st...