• Northanger Abbey - Chapter 10

    21-11-29 The Allens, Thorpes, and Morlands all met in the evening at the theatre; and, as Catherine and Isabella sat together, there was then an opportunity for the latter to utter some few of the many thousand things which had been collecting within her for...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 8

    21-10-23 1. No.10 Downing Street is____. A Office of British Navy B official residence of Prime Minster C seat of English Parliament D official residence of King 2. Increasingly troubled by the inroads of northern tribes such as Goths, the West Empire finall...

  • 从前慢

    21-06-17 从前慢 Slower Days in the Past 作:木心,译:永清 记得早先少年时 大家诚诚恳恳 说一句是一句 Remember young days in the past. People were sincere and honest. They honored what they said. 清早上火车站 长街黑暗无行人 卖豆浆的小店冒着热气 Early morning i...

  • 几个英语中的外来词

    21-04-15 1 Babushka (from Russian) 祖母,外婆,婆婆头巾(俄语) 在俄语中,这个词表示祖母,外婆,但在英语中它通常指一块围巾或头巾,你可以想象一下一位俄罗斯老婆婆戴的那种。所以一个女生或女士将围巾围在头上,有时候人们会戏称她们是老婆婆。 例句: I saw an old lady...

  • 乞丐变导游

    21-03-30 How can this charity help homeless people regain their confidence? Do you know the open-air art gallery in Londons Blackall Street? Not many Londoners know it either, but Henri does and he is willing to show it to you. Henri used to sleep rough unti...

  • 班克西画作《局势改变者》拍出1675万英镑

    21-03-25 英国知名涂鸦艺术家班克西的新作《局势改变者》日前在伦敦拍出了1675万英镑的高价,创下班克西画作拍卖纪录。这幅简单真挚的黑白画作是疫情初期班克西捐给南安普顿大学医院的,表达了对医护人员的感谢。 A painting by the artist Banksy honoring UK healthcare worke...

  • 出入方便吗?

    21-02-27 The integration of disabled people in society has increased in the last few decades. The Paralympic movement celebrates extraordinary physical achievement. And businesses are starting to cater for the needs of disabled people. But is progress fast e...

  • 保卫你的巧克力

    21-02-27 The integration of disabled people in society has increased in the last few decades. The Paralympic movement celebrates extraordinary physical achievement. And businesses are starting to cater for the needs of disabled people. But is progress fast e...

  • “居无定所”的快闪潮店

    21-02-27 听说过pop-up shop 快闪潮店吗?你会光顾快闪潮店吗?2008年英国经济危机给一些创业者带来了商机,现在英国城市商业街道上随处可见销售各类商品的快闪店。 Do you like somewhere a little bit different to the usual types of places you find on the high street? I...

  • 英国传统购物街的未来

    20-12-29 Do you like shopping? For shopaholics in the UK, the place to head to used to be the high street. This location refers to the streets in the centre of a town where businesses and popular branches of retail chains could be found. It was the place whe...