• 美国东北部遭强风暴袭击

    14-02-13 A huge winter storm is affecting the densely populated US north-east, after wreaking havoc in the South. 一场强烈的冬季风暴在美国南部造成严重破坏之后,继续肆虐人口稠密的东北部地区。 Across the typically mild South, more than half a million homes and...

  • 巴西着手维修受损的基督救世主雕像

    14-01-22 Repair work has begun on Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro after lightning strikes damaged two fingers and the statue's head. 巴西里约热内卢的基督救世主雕像的两根手指和头部在一次闪电中被损毁,维修工作已经展开。 Officials say they...

  • 暴风雪导致北美50多万家庭仍然没有通电

    13-12-26 More than 500,000 households in the north-eastern US and the south-eastern Canada are still without electricity after last weekend's severe ice storm. 美国东北部地区以及加拿大东南部地区有50多万家庭受上周末严重的冰暴影响仍旧没有通电。 Utility crews a...

  • 暴风雪造成北美部分地区供电中断

    13-12-24 Hundreds of thousands of households in Canada and the northern US are facing a Christmas without electricity after a severe ice storm on Sunday. 上周日加拿大和美国北部地区遭到一场严重的暴风雪袭击,数十万居民可能将因此度过一个无电的圣诞节。 About 400...

  • 加拿大东部地区遭暴风雪袭击

    13-12-23 A severe ice storm has brought snow and freezing rain to Canada's biggest city, Toronto, and to much of the east of the country. 一场严重的冰暴袭击加拿大最大的城市多伦多以及东部大部分地区,带来了降雪与冻雨。 The storm has left some 400,000 people in...

  • 寒潮侵袭美国大部分地区

    13-12-15 Millions hunkered down for icy conditions expected to last through the weekend from Texas to Ohio to Tennessee as a cold snap covered much of the nation, knocking out power and making roads treacherous Saturday. 上周末,寒潮侵袭美国大部分地区,从得...

  • 极地飓风比想象中频繁

    13-12-12 From 2000 to 2010, about 1,900 cyclones churned across the top of the world each year, leaving warm water and air in their wakes -- and melting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean. That's about 40 percent more than previously thought, according to a new ana...

  • 欧洲西北部遭暴风雨袭击 13人死亡

    13-10-29 A storm battering north-western Europe has killed at least 13 people - six of them in Germany. 一场暴风雨在欧洲西北部地区肆虐,造成13人死亡其中德国占6人。 Two people died when their car was crushed by a falling tree in Gelsenkirchen, in western Germ...

  • 墨西哥遭强风暴袭击 19人丧生

    13-09-16 At least nineteen people have been killed in Mexico, which is being battered by two powerful storms. 墨西哥连遭两场强风暴袭击,至少19人丧生。 Tropical Storm Manuel has caused landslides and flooding in the resort city of Acapulco Hurricane Ingrid ha...

  • 土星上的强风暴

    13-09-04 Once every 30 years or so, or roughly one Saturnian year, a monster storm rips across the northern hemisphere of the ringed planet. In 2010, the most recent and only the sixth giant storm on Saturn observed by humans began stirring. It quickly grew...