• 热带风暴黛比袭击美国佛罗里达

    12-06-26 Tropical Storm Debby has drenched the US state of Florida, bringing flooding to parts and leading the governor to declare a statewide emergency. 热带风暴黛比袭击美国佛罗里达州,造成局部地区爆发洪灾,佛州州长宣布全州进入紧急状态。 The knot of low pre...

  • 一股强太阳风暴将袭击地球

    12-03-08 A strong solar storm is expected to hit Earth shortly, and experts warn it could disrupt power grids, satellite navigations systems and plane routes. 一股强烈的太阳风暴不久将侵袭地球,专家警告这会影响到电网、卫星导航系统和航班路线。 The storm - the...

  • 菲律宾洪灾致1000多人失踪

    11-12-23 The Philippines government says 1,079 people are still missing in the wake of the devastating Typhoon Washi. 菲律宾政府称,毁灭性台风Washi过后,仍有1079人失踪。 More than 1,000 others are known to have died in the storm, which struck Mindanao island...

  • 比利时音乐节遭强风暴袭击

    11-08-19 The death toll at the Pukkelpop music festival in Belgium, hit by a sudden violent storm, has now risen to five, say local officials. 比利时当地警方称,一场强风暴突袭Pukkelpop音乐节现场,死亡人数已上升至五人。 Staging collapsed, giant screens fell,...

  • 菲律宾遭台风纳坦袭击

    11-07-27 A powerful storm has hit the Philippines, killing at least nine people and forcing thousands to flee their homes. 一股强风暴袭击菲律宾,造成至少9人死亡、数千人流离失所。 Tropical storm Nock-ten unleashed(释放) floods and landslides along eastern a...

  • 男性户外活动多 更易受雷击

    11-07-03 美国最新的一项研究显示,1995年到2008年期间美国遭雷劈死亡的648人中,男性占82%,研究人员表示,男性遭雷击的概率远高于女性的原因主要与他们的行为习惯有关。 Men, that last game of touch football is just not worth it during an approaching storm -- especia...

  • 2100年威尼斯所受风暴潮将大幅降低

    11-06-11 Venice the City of Dreams may have one less nightmare to deal with following a finding that the frequency of extreme storm surge events generated by Adriatic Sea tempests(大风暴) could fall by about 30 per cent by 2100. A team of international sci...

  • 土星北半球爆发春季风暴

    11-05-20 NASA's Cassini spacecraft and a European Southern Observatory ground-based telescope tracked the growth of a giant early-spring storm in Saturn's northern hemisphere that is so powerful it stretches around the entire planet. The rare storm has been...

  • 暴风雨袭击海地 5人丧生

    10-09-26 Five Haitian refugees have been killed as a storm overtook the impoverished country still recovering from the January earthquake, media report. 媒体报道,一场暴风雨袭击了正处于一月大地震中恢复时期中贫困的海地,五人丧生。 The rainstorm passed over th...

  • 飓风伊戈尔直径长达550英里

    10-09-16 Hurricane Igor is a monster hurricane in terms of strength and size. To get a perspective on its size, it is the same distance from one end of the storm to the other as it is from Boston, Mass. to Richmond, Va., some 550 miles. That's a 10-hour driv...