• core module of the space station 空间站核心舱

    21-04-30 4月29日11时23分,长征五号B遥二运载火箭搭载空间站天和核心舱,在海南文昌航天发射场发射升空。中国空间站建造任务实施阶段成功开启。按计划,中国将于2022年完成空间站在轨建造。 China sent into space the core module of its space station on April 29, kicking...

  • 2021中国航天计划安排40余次宇航发射任务

    21-01-06 中国航天科技集团表示,2021年,该集团计划安排40余次宇航发射任务,载人航天空间站工程进入关键实施阶段。 China plans to launch the core module of its manned space station in the first half of 2021. Subsequent space missions include the launches of the T...

  • 阿汤哥明年10月将去太空拍电影

    20-09-30 Tom Cruise will officially take on his biggest stunt yet in October 2021 when he travels to outer space to film a new movie. 汤姆克鲁斯将于2021年10月正式开始他有史以来最盛大的特技表演,飞到外太空去拍一部新电影。 The Space Shuttle Almanac tweeted Wed...

  • 我国计划在月球建科研站

    20-09-14 China plans to establish a scientific station on the moon and has started preparatory research, according to a key figure in the countrys lunar exploration program. 我国探月工程总设计师近日表示,我国计划在月球上建立一个科研站,已经启动前期研究。 The...

  • 中国空间站预计2022年完工

    20-02-11 China plans to complete the construction of a space station and have it put into operation around 2022, said Zhou Jianping, the chief designer of Chinas manned space program, at a forum held in south Chinas Guangdong Province. 中国载人航天工程总设计...

  • 中国空间站核心舱将转入正样阶段

    19-07-30 The core module of Chinas space station has passed comprehensive tests and vacuum thermal tests for its preliminary prototype, and its currently preparing to start its flight model phase. 中国空间站核心舱已通过初样阶段综合测试和真空热试验,即将转入...

  • 印度计划建造小型空间站

    19-06-17 India plans to establish its own very small space station in the next decade. 印度计划在下个十年建造自己的小型空间站。 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chief K. Sivan said Thursday that the ambitious project would follow a successful launch...

  • 上海一家大型加氢站投入运营

    19-06-06 Shanghai unveiled Wednesday a mega hydrogen station that can charge a car within only three minutes and is able to power hundreds of vehicles per day. 本周三,上海一家大型加氢站投入运营,只需三分钟即可加满一辆车,一天可以为上千辆汽车充能。 The 8,000...

  • 上海一家大型加氢站投入运营

    19-06-06 Shanghai unveiled Wednesday a mega hydrogen station that can charge a car within only three minutes and is able to power hundreds of vehicles per day. 本周三,上海一家大型加氢站投入运营,只需三分钟即可加满一辆车,一天可以为上千辆汽车充能。 The 8,000...

  • 中国驻北极科考站已开始运行

    19-05-27 Chinas first North Pole scientific research station, the Yellow River station, began its expedition this year. 中国在北极设立的首个科学考察站,黄河站,已开始科考项目。 Research team members at the Chinese North Pole Yellow River Station in Svalbard,...