• 《疯狂动物城》第25章

    23-01-30 Nick and Judy followed Weaseltons instructions and found the drop: an old subway car in an abandoned station. They hid as two tough rams exited the car. Once the rams were gone, Nick lifted Judy and she pushed open the window to peek inside. The wea...

  • 《疯狂动物城》第21章

    23-01-30 After the press conference, a wedge was driven between the animals of Zootopia, and everyone was talking about it. There were conflicts and protests. The animals began to treat one another differently. At one protest, Judy stood in the middle of the...

  • 《超能陆战队》第12章

    23-01-28 Outside, Hiro and Baymax were slowly making their way down the street. Ive got to get you home to your charging station, Hiro said. Can you walk? Baymax took another step and plopped down on his butt. I will scan you now, he slurred. Scan complete....

  • 《头脑特工队》第14章

    22-09-02 Chapter 14 Bing Bong, we have to get to that station, Joy said. She couldnt believe they had lost another island. The train whistled in the distance, which made her feel even more anxious. Sure thing, Bing Bong said. This way, just past Graham Crack...

  • 《头脑特工队》第13章

    22-09-02 Chapter 13 But dont worry. Theres another station, said Bing Bong in a comforting voice as they all popped back into their original three-dimensional selves. If we hurry, we can catch it. Joy was skeptical, wondering if they were simply headed on an...

  • 北京丰台站全新面貌开通运营

    22-06-21 6月20日,经过近4年的改扩建工程,百年老站北京丰台站以全新面貌开通运营,首都又添一座城市新地标。 The largest passenger railway hub in Asia was put into operation Monday in Beijing as a four-year reconstruction breathes new life into the Chinese capita...

  • 用英语打车

    22-02-21 Step1 首先司机会问你 Where are you going, sir? 先生你要去哪里? Where to? 去哪? Step2 咱们得告诉司机目的地是哪里 Can you take me to the airport, please? Take me to the Carnegie Center, please. 带我去卡内基中心吧。 The Carnegie Center, please. 卡内...

  • 中国航天员时隔8年再次进行太空授课

    21-12-10 12月9日15时40分,天宫课堂第一课正式开讲,时隔8年之后,中国航天员再次进行太空授课。 Chinese astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, and Ye Guangfu, conducted the science lecture 400 kilometers above Earth, as they orbited in the Tiangong space station...

  • 《玩具总动员》第6章

    21-06-23 Andy? Woody couldnt believe hed been left behind. Desperately, he ran after the van, but he couldnt catch up. Doesnt he realize Im not there? Woody cried. Im lost! Im a lost toy! Behind him, Buzz flipped open his wrist communicator. Buzz Lightyear M...