• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 1

    22-07-13 The day broke gray and dull. The clouds hung heavily, and there was a rawness in the air that suggested snow. A woman servant came into a room in which a child was sleeping and drew the curtains. She glanced mechanically at the house opposite, a stu...

  • blizzard buddies 暴雪伴侣

    22-04-07 With a massive storm expected to drop up to 3 feet of snow on the Northeast U.S. before it ends Tuesday, a flurry of New Yorkers are placing online ads seeking blizzard buddies for companionship, snuggling and, in so many words, sex. 北美洲暴雪来袭...

  • 背景冬奥会的人造雪质量获好评

    22-02-17 滑雪运动员们能在冬奥雪场上顺利做出各种高难度动作,这背后有一个默默无闻的功臣,那就是人造雪。本届冬奥会的人造雪质量稳定,无毒无害,获得了多位运动员及官员的好评,更有运动员表示这是迄今为止滑过的最好的人造雪。 Beijing normally doesnt have much snow in...

  • 为什么速滑运动员要佩戴眼镜

    22-02-14 在观看精彩的速滑比赛时,你可能会注意到一个小细节,那就是运动员几乎个个佩戴眼镜。你知道这是为什么吗? The reasons skiers and snowboarders don goggles or glasses might seem a little obvious, especially if youve ever hit the slopes yourself. Sunlight r...

  • at hand 在手边

    21-08-02 短语 at hand 的意思是指某物近在手边,就在眼前以方便使用。 例句 I dont have any printouts so keep a pen and paper at hand during the lecture. A few years ago I was in my car when it got stuck in snow. Now whenever I drive in winter I keep blankets an...

  • get the show on the road 开始行动

    21-07-05 短语 get the show on the road 或 get this show on the road 的意思是 开始行动,开始做一直在准备的事情。 例句 I think the presentation is ready, so lets get the show on the road and call a meeting. 我想演讲报告已经准备好了,那我们开始行动,开个会吧。...

  • 巴格达罕见降雪

    20-02-12 Many people in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad woke up early on Tuesday to watch a rare snowfall in the city. 本周二早晨,伊拉克首都巴格达许多市民早起观赏一场罕见的降雪。 According to Iraqi Meteorological Organization, the country is exposed to a cold...

  • 国内首个全天候越野滑雪场在吉林开业

    19-02-28 An all-weather cross-country ski resort, believed to be Asias first of its kind, was put into use in northeast Chinas Jilin Province. 一座全天候越野滑雪场在中国吉林开业,这座滑雪场被认为是亚洲同类型首个。 The Beishan All-weather Cross-country Ski Re...

  • 气候变暖导致白毛动物数量下降

    18-05-29 White-furred animals are in danger of dying out because climate change is causing a fall in snow cover, leaving them exposed and vulnerable, a new study suggests. 一项新研究指出,白毛动物正面临灭绝的危险,因为气候变化导致冰雪覆盖范围减少,从而让白毛...

  • 中国东北地区突降大雪 交通受阻

    18-03-16 More than 4,800 people have been deployed to clear roads after heavy snow hit northeast Chinas Liaoning Province starting Wednesday night, causing flight delays and expressway closures. 本周三晚上开始,辽宁省突降大雪,超过4800人参加道路清雪工作。这...