• 《疯狂动物城》第13章

    23-01-30 Judy and Nick drove to frigid Tundratown, where everything was covered in snow and ice. When they found Tundratown Limo-Service, it was locked up tight. Closed, Judy said, gesturing to the lock on the gate. Great. And I will bet you dont have a warr...

  • 《冰雪奇缘》第16章

    23-01-30 Far down the mountain in Arendelle, the air was still frigid and snow blanketed the land. People wondered if warm weather would ever return. The fjord was frozen solid, and all the dignitaries who had arrived for Elsas coronation were forced to stay...

  • 《冰雪奇缘》第11章

    23-01-29 Kristoff held the reins tightly, steering Sven and the sled through the thick, heavy snow. The night sky was cloudy with the promise of still more snow. Hang on! Kristoff yelled to his passenger. We like to go fast! Sven responded happily and charge...

  • 《冰雪奇缘》第10章

    23-01-29 Kristoff brought his pile of supplies to the front counter. Thatll be forty, ja? Oaken said. Forty? Kristoff barked. No, ten. No, see, these are from our winter stock, Oaken told him. Where supply and demand have a big problem. You want to talk abou...

  • 《冰雪奇缘》第9章

    23-01-29 The wind howled and the snow blew into Annas face. She struggled to guide her horse up the frozen mountain path. She was determined to find Elsa. Anna was sure her sister would thaw the fjord and bring back summer. The whole kingdom would celebrate,...

  • 和“冬天”相关的词汇

    22-11-16 对生活在北半球的我们来说,正值冰雪严寒。冬天意味着寒冷的天气、荒凉的自然环境还有贫乏的室外活动,不过别沮丧,我们准备了一些有意思的英语表达,教你地道地描述冬季。 1. Which of these expressions is NOT used to mean the middle of winter? a) In the midst...

  • 《恐龙当家》第16章

    22-11-09 As the sun broke over the horizon, the light dusting of snow sparkled against the ground. Ever faithful, the T-rexes, Arlo, and Spot herded the longhorns on. Arlo and Spot followed, helping to drive the herd from behind. When Butch noticed the herd...

  • 寒冷的气候

    22-10-28 大家在这寒冷的季节里热闹欢快地庆祝完圣诞并迎来新年。 1. Snow is really weird. When its fres h its the most beautiful thing in the world, but as soon as it turns into ______ it looks awful! It goes all black and muddy. a) slush b) mash c) water d) fr...

  • beast from the east 来自东方的野兽

    22-09-29 过去的这个冬天特别寒冷,西方甚至还诞生了一个关于天气的新词:来自东方的野兽(the Beast from the East)。 当严寒天气来袭,似乎人们总是已经装备整齐我说的是文字游戏。报纸上头条标题中出现双关语Snow Joke(开玩笑的雪)或Snow Escape(逃离雪山小屋)。推特网...

  • 《头脑特工队》第6章

    22-09-02 Chapter 6 Dont worry, said Joy. I got this. She stepped in and pushed a lever on the console. Riley smiled as she stood up and spoke to the class. My name is Riley Anderson, she said. Im from Minnesota. And now I live here. And how about Minnesota?...