• 七个窍门助你早上起床

    16-05-17 In a new video from AsapScience, the researchers reveal seven tips to help you wake up in the morning - and none of them involve caffeine. 在秒懂科普网一个新上传的视频上,研究者揭示了七个窍门,助你早上起床,没有一个是带咖啡因的。 To start, the video...

  • professional snuggler 职业陪睡师

    15-12-28 The joy of sleeping with a beautiful partner -- and we mean the sleeping part -- is something many of us don't get to experience on a regular enough basis. 和漂亮的伴侣共眠的乐趣指的是睡觉本身,并不是我们多数人可以常常经历的。 But what about the lad...

  • 一枕黄粱

    15-08-27 In the Tang Dynasty, there was a scholar named Lu Sheng. One day, Lu Sheng went to the capital for the imperial examination. On his way when he reached Handan, he stayed at an inn. A Taoist priest surnamed Lii was also staying there. Sitting in his...

  • 睡眠不好常用表达

    14-12-04 He wakes during the night or early morning and finds it difficult to fall asleep again. 他晚间或清早醒来后,再也不能入睡。 He has nightmares occasionally. 他有时做噩梦。 He is sleeping poorly. 他睡不好。 He has difficulty in sleeping, inability to c...

  • 灵长目动物经常在洞穴中睡眠

    13-12-05 Scientists have discovered that some ring-tailed lemurs in Madagascar regularly retire to limestone chambers for their nightly snoozes, the first evidence of the consistent, daily use of the same caves and crevices(裂缝) for sleeping among the wor...

  • 美国流浪汉溜进总统套房睡觉

    13-11-30 据美国媒体11月6日报道,美国一位流浪汉日前偷偷溜进宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡一家豪华酒店的总统套房,并心安理得地睡了个好觉。可惜梦醒时分等待他的却是牢狱之灾。 A homeless man has gone from the proverbial(众所周知的) penthouse(顶层公寓) to the big house af...

  • chainwatch 一集接一集地看电视剧

    13-09-12 Chainwatch is to watch several episodes of a TV series one after the other, the term is an analogy with 'chainsmoke', the practice of lighting a new cigarette for personal consumption immediately after one that is finished, sometimes using the finis...

  • 睡觉让人更聪明

    13-04-02 Amazing news for lazy people; sleep makes you smarter. Not studying, reading or revising, just sleeping, although the other three won't hurt either. A joint study conducted by Harvard Medical School and the University of Pennsylvania found that shut...

  • 乌克兰举办真人版“睡美人”展览

    12-08-25 乌克兰国家艺术博物馆最近正在进行一个真人版的睡美人展览。事先选定的五位女性每人会在展厅睡三天,前来参观的男性如若亲吻了某位女性,而这位女性因此睁开眼睛的话,这两位就要结为连理。 If any of the five real-life sleeping beauties open their eyes when they...

  • 小学生睡眠不足将影响学习成绩

    11-09-14 A study by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB in Spanish) and Ramn Llull University have researched the relationship between the sleeping habits, hours slept, and academic performance of children aged between six and seven years of age. Exp...