• 研究显示安眠药无法根治失眠

    21-05-12 常吃安眠药的人会发现,安眠药貌似越吃越不灵。如今研究证实,安眠药确实不适合长期服用,只有短期内服用才有效,长远来看治疗失眠还是应该求助于认知行为疗法。 Sleeping pills prescribed to millions of people every year do not work in the long term, a study h...

  • 怎样才能不打呼噜?

    16-07-16 Snoring happens when your airflow becomes partially blocked. Some easy fixes: Try sleeping on your side or stomach (research shows those positions may reduce snoring) and avoiding alcohol (liquor can relax throat muscles, making it more difficult fo...