• 哈佛一本藏书用人皮做封面

    14-06-13 A book owned by Harvard University has been been bound in human skin, scientists believe. 一些科学家证实,哈佛大学的一本藏书用人类皮肤做封面。 Des destinees de l'ame (Destinies of the Soul) has been housed at Houghton Library since the 1930s. Writer...

  • 口服防晒霜首次问世

    14-05-25 据报道,随着世界首款口服防晒霜问世,带着成瓶的防晒霜去海边度假的日子即将一去不复返。 The days of carrying bottles of suncream to the beach could be over, as the world's first drinkable SPF is launched. Harmonised H20 UV claims to provide holidaymake...

  • 皮肤细胞可生成功能性神经细胞

    14-05-22 A new method of generating mature nerve cells from skin cells could greatly enhance understanding of neurodegenerative diseases, and could accelerate the development of new drugs and stem cell-based regenerative medicine. The nerve cells generated b...

  • 鲨鱼皮的奥秘

    14-05-15 Scientists have used a 3D-printed model of shark skin to show how tooth-like scales help the predators to cruise efficiently. 科学家们运用3D打印模型解释了 鲨鱼皮上的 牙状鳞片如何提高鲨鱼的巡游速度。 The printed replica included tough denticles embed...

  • 暴露年龄的六大身体部位

    14-04-27 We all try to strike that balance between aging gracefully -- and not looking as though we're older than we really are. 我们都渴望从中找到一个平衡点一方面能够优雅地老去,另一方面又希望自己看上去比实际年龄...

  • 《借东西的小人》精彩语句

    14-03-11 I've taken a night job, just to tide us over. 我打了份夜工,贴补家用。 It makes my skin crawl thinking about it. 这让我想起来就起鸡皮疙瘩/毛骨悚然。 Oh, you keep rubbing me up the wrong way, see what happens. 行,你就给我找不自在吧,看我怎么收拾你。...

  • 人呼出的CO2与身体气味都会招引蚊子

    13-12-06 Female mosquitoes, which can transmit deadly diseases like malaria, dengue fever, West Nile virus and filariasis, are attracted to us by smelling the carbon dioxide we exhale, being capable of tracking us down even from a distance. But once they get...

  • 探究南亚人肤色变化的成因

    13-11-11 Though genetics of skin pigmentation has shown recent advancements in the last decade, studies involving populations of South Asia, one of the major hot spots of pigmentation diversity, is still in its infancy. In a recent study publishing in PloS G...

  • housewife's hand 家庭主妇手

    13-10-31 Housewife's Hand Dermatitis is a hand skin disease with the symptom of rough, red, swollen, itching hand, sometimes even skin peeling or cracking. This skin condition is mostly the result of great exposure to chemical detergents while doing housewor...

  • 基因祛鳞康似乎对1型糖尿病有良好效果

    13-09-23 A drug that was used to treat a skin disorder has shown signs of being able to treat aspects of type 1 diabetes. 一种治疗皮肤病的药物似有可以用于治疗1型糖尿病的迹象。 A small trial on US patients suggests that alefacept helps the body produce its ow...