• 新型传感器让人类拥有探测磁场的能力

    15-02-23 Researchers have unveiled a new type of sensor that could give humans the ability to detect magnetic fields. 研究人员日前发布了一款新型传感器,可让人类拥有探测磁场的能力。 It works in the same way as bacteria, insects and even vertebrates like birds...

  • 英国公司推出颈部除皱霜

    15-01-14 It is one of the downsides of the technological age...the premature wrinkling around the neck suffered by those who constantly look down at their smartphones and tablets. 这是科技时代的消极面之一,常常盯着智能手机和平板电脑的人深受过早出现的颈部皱纹...

  • 植入传感器的新型人造皮肤能让人重获感知

    14-12-14 A new form of artificial skin, threaded with a network of artificial sensors, could recreate the sense of touch for people wearing prosthetic limbs, researchers revealed. 研究人员透露,一种植入传感器网络的新型人造皮肤能让戴假肢的人重获感知体验。 Res...

  • 统一码联盟计划增加五种有色人种表情

    14-11-10 Responding to users' complaints about a lack of characters whose skin reflects the variety of people who use smartphones, the group that sets technical standards is adding five more shades to the mix. 由于用户反映智能手机表情肤色单一,无法反映使用者...

  • 现代男性比女性更注重自己的形象

    14-11-02 New research reveals that the modern man is more image-obsessed than ever, spending over four years of his life perfecting his appearance. Women, on the other hand, spend three years. 一项新的调查研究显示,现代的男性与之前相比更注重自己的形象, 一生...

  • 太阳光对人体的三重伤害

    14-10-22 The most obvious effects of too much sun exposure are cosmetic, like wrinkled and rough skin. Some damage, however, goes deeper -- ultraviolet light can damage DNA and cause proteins in the body to break down into smaller, sometimes harmful pieces t...

  • 纳米粒子穿透皮肤给药

    14-10-10 Scientists at the University of Southampton have identified key characteristics that enhance a nanoparticle's ability to penetrate skin, in a milestone study which could have major implications for the delivery of drugs. Nanoparticles are up to 100,...

  • 高分辨率相机有助及早发现皮肤癌

    14-10-08 Melanoma is the fifth most common cancer type in the United States, and it's also the deadliest form of skin cancer, causing more than 75 percent of skin-cancer deaths. If caught early enough though, it is almost always curable. Now a camera, capabl...

  • 恒河猴的肤色与繁殖成功率有关

    14-09-26 Skin color displayed amongst one species of monkey provides a key indicator of how successfully they will breed, a new study has shown. The collaborative international research also shows that skin coloration in male and female rhesus macaques is an...

  • 马拉色氏菌在全球广泛分布

    14-08-26 A ubiquitous(普遍存在的) skin fungus linked to dandruff(头皮屑) , eczema(湿疹) and other itchy, flaky maladies in humans has now been tracked to even further global reaches -- including Hawaiian coral reefs and the extreme environments of arct...