• 皮肤癌与不同肤色间的联系

    22-11-28 在伊塞尔内纳年近三十岁时,她被诊断出患有皮肤癌。从小到大,伊塞尔从未使用过防晒霜,现在她正在和英国癌症研究基金会(Cancer Research UK)合作,警告他人不要犯同样的错误。 Theres a common misconception that having darker skin makes you invulnerable to th...

  • 用胶带做皮肤测试有助预测婴儿湿疹

    22-11-28 科学家说,一种胶带皮肤测试可以帮助预测婴儿是否有可能患上严重的湿疹。哥本哈根大学的研究小组 用胶带通过 无痛 的方法,在 一组两个月大的婴儿身上 采集了皮肤细胞样本 并 进行了分析 。 Eczema affects around one in five babies and children in the UK. It can...

  • 《侏罗纪世界2:失落王国》精彩词句

    22-11-16 精彩词句学起来: 1. But time is against us Im afraid. 但恐怕时间不允许。 2. Theres a chartered flight leaving tomorrow morning. Youre on the manifest. 包机明天早上出发。旅客名单上有你。 3. She jumped out of her skin. 她都吓得魂飞魄散了。 4. Miss, th...

  • 热射病是什么病

    22-07-18 热射病即重度中暑(heatstroke/sunstroke),表现为:高热(直肠温度41℃)、皮肤干燥(dry skin)(早期可以湿润),意识模糊、惊厥(seizure)、甚至无反应,周围循环衰竭或休克,病死率很高。 ▌中暑有哪些症状? An obvious sign is excessive sweating, as well a...

  • 51个地道习语 4

    22-05-23 31. by the skin of your teeth 侥幸成功,勉强做成 I hadnt studied much, but passed the test by the skin of my teeth. 我没怎么学,但侥幸过了,离挂科只差一点点。 32. comfort food (难过或焦虑时食用的)安慰食品,开心食品 Fat and sugar the twin pillars o...

  • Cara Delevingne走出抑郁 中

    22-04-15 So, I got taken out of school, went to therapy, got put on antidepressants, kind of clawed my way back to some sort of rational thought, which took a while. 所以,我被带出了学校接受治疗,服用了抗抑郁药,我慢慢的恢复了理智,但是花费了很长时间。 But b...

  • 22-03-22 说到皮,大家都知道皮肤的英文是skin。 但我们生活中遇到各种各样的皮,苹果皮、饺子皮、香蕉皮它们用英语怎么说呢?一起来看看各种皮的用法吧~ skin skin可以用来形容人的皮肤。 the layer of tissue that covers the body She had thick black hair and smooth dark...

  • banana skin 在公众场合犯的尴尬错误

    22-01-07 banana skin除了字面意思的香蕉皮,还指某人(尤指政府官员)在公众场合犯的尴尬错误,就像当众脚踩到香蕉皮,一不小心就滑倒,你说尴尬不尴尬? The issue was a potential banana skin for management. 这一问题可能会让管理部门出洋相。...

  • soaked to the skin 湿透了

    22-01-04 当某人的状态是 soaked to the skin, 那就意味着他成了落汤鸡,全身湿透。 例句 Its pouring with rain out there. Im soaked to the skin! We went to see Niagara Falls on our trip to Canada and got so close we were soaked to the skin. A bus drove right thr...

  • 养成更为健康的洗澡习惯

    21-12-06 据美国健康网站健康线(Healthline),每天洗澡对身体并无大碍,以下小贴士可以帮助你养成更为健康的洗澡习惯: Bathe daily if it works for your lifestyle and body type; 出于个人生活方式需要或者体型需要,可以每天洗澡; Bathe every other day if youre conce...