• 《老友记》剧终17年又重聚

    21-04-14 等了一年又一年,在经典美剧《老友记》剧终近17年后,原主创们终于又聚在了一起。上周老友们在原摄影棚录制了特别节目,从社交媒体上流出的照片来看,这是一次真正的怀旧之旅。 Its almost 17 years since pop cultures six most-famous friends were together on a fi...

  • 为大众上演的音乐会

    21-02-27 Are you one of those people who find the world of Western classical music a bit snobbish and inaccessible? The Proms or the BBC Promenade Concerts to give the worlds largest music festival its full name - might help you change your mind. For eight w...

  • 韩剧热

    21-02-25 你受到韩剧热的影响了吗?韩国肥皂剧为什么广受世界各地观众的喜爱?英国人喜欢北欧犯罪片的原因又何在? It may not be a real illness but K-drama fever is sweeping Asia with as much force as an infectious disease. The latest hit show to come out of South...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 10

    21-02-24 When the fact is chronicled that no less than three times in the succeeding eight days Buck Stratton was strongly tempted to put an end to the whole puzzling business by the simple expedient of declaring his identity and taking possession of the Sho...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 4

    21-02-24 Stratton was never sure just how long he stood staring at her in dumb, dazed bewilderment. After those mental pictures of the Mary Thorne he had expected to find, it was small wonder that the sight of this slip of a black-frocked girl, with her soft...

  • keep up appearances 撑场面

    21-01-12 撑场面,中文俗语,意思是维持外表上的排场和规模等,亦作撑门面,可以翻译为maintain an outward show of prosperity。也可以用英文俗语keep up appearances表示,有maintain an impression of wealth or well-being的意思。 例句: 请一定来给我撑撑场面吧。 Please...

  • 糟糕的面试经历

    21-01-04 Have you ever attended a job interview? For some people they can be a painful and embarrassing experience, but for others, it can be a chance to shine a platform to perform and show off their talents. But sometimes, even for the most confident candi...

  • 电视剧《老友记》仍深受欢迎

    20-12-21 美国情景喜剧《老友记》十五年前剧终,但一份关注年轻人媒介使用方式的调查报告显示,它仍然是英国年轻人最喜爱的电视节目。《老友记》的故事背景设定在纽约,讲述了六个好友在生活中遇到的起起落落。现在,人们观看这部剧的方式与上个世纪 90 年代首播时大不相同。 Th...

  • emerge、appear、loom和show

    20-12-09 虽然动词 emerge、appear、show 和 loom 都可以表示 某人或物出现在视野、视线内,但它们的意思并不完全相同,所以不能随意互换使用。 我们下面就为大家讲解这些词在表示 事物出现 的时候有哪些区别。首先,动词 emerge 的意思是 浮现,它突出了原本已存在的、被遮挡的...

  • 易混动词have和take

    20-12-06 1. I think its much safer not to go. Its not worth _______ the risk. a) having b) have c) taking d) take 2. Shes very upset. I think you should _______ with her. a) be having a chat b) have a chat c) be taking a chat d) take a chat 3. We are delight...