• 与road相关的英文习语

    22-05-24 1. take to the road / hit the road 出发,动身 After a short visit, they took to the road again. 短暂的参观后,他们再次上路了。 2. rocky road 障碍重重的道路;重重困难 Yellen predicts a rocky road ahead for the economy. 耶伦预言经济会面临重重困难。 3....

  • show somebody out 把某人送出去

    22-04-28 show somebody out 把某人送出去 例句: Well show ourselves out. 我们自己出去就行。 Notes: show out的意思是送客人,把某人送出去。see somebody out也可以表达同样的意义。 客人来访,要离开时我们可以这样说: Let me show/see you out. 我送你出去。...

  • 中二少年口头禅

    22-04-01 1. Bite me!不然你想要怎样? Bite me在字面上的意思就是来咬我呀!所以当有人和你说一些你根本不感兴趣的话题,你可以说这一句:Bite me,也就是说谁理你呀! 2. Amazeballs 指非常令人惊讶的口语表达。 别一看到Amazeballs好像一头雾水搞不清楚什么意思,其实它就是...

  • teach one's grandmother (how) to suck eggs 班门弄斧

    22-03-23 班门弄斧,意思是在鲁班门前舞弄斧子(show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter)。比喻在行家面前卖弄本领,不自量力(show off in the presence of an expert;be conceited),与英文习语teach ones grandmother (how) to suc...

  • lucky,fortunate,blessed,auspicious

    22-02-23 让我们从 lucky 这个词开始讲。Lucky 是名词 luck(运气) 的形容词,意思是 幸运的,形容一件好事的发生并不是因为能力或技巧,而是机缘巧合。 举个例子,我们可以用 lucky 或 have good luck 来形容一个中了彩票的人 运气好,因为选择号码这件事情并没有技巧可言,中...

  • Show them who's the boss. 告诉他们我才是大神。

    22-02-08 Show them whos the boss. 告诉他们我才是大神。 这句话的大体意思就是,要告诉他们谁才是真正的boss。不要看扁你自己,你很好,你很努力。 例句: If you want to have the power in this group, you should show them whos the boss first. 如果你想要在这个团队中有...

  • though

    22-01-25 一看到这个词,很多语法好的同学就有如下反应: 这是一个引导让步状语从句的连词,表示虽然,相当于although、even though,一般用在句首,比如: Though he was very angry, he didnt show it. 虽然他很生气,但是他没有表现出来。 但老外经常把这个词用作副词,放在...

  • show one's hand 摊牌

    22-01-22 摊牌,本意指把手里所有的牌摆在桌面上(lay ones cards on the table, reveal ones cards),后比喻把事情的有关情况都向对方公开,表明自己的真实意图,与英文习语show ones hand意思相近,表示to make ones plans, intentions, ideas, or resources known to others...

  • steal the show 抢尽风头

    22-01-04 短语 to steal the show 意思是在大庭广众之下抢镜头,出风头。 例句 I thought Adele stole the show at the Brit Awards. She was simply amazing. You were fantastic in your school play. You really stole the show! All the performers were good, but the magi...

  • in a spin 手忙脚乱

    21-12-24 To be in a spin 用来形容很多事情同时发生,让人应接不暇,手忙脚乱,不知所措。 例句 Jane was in a spin after everyone had given her a job to do. My heads in a spin, Ive got too many things to do! 请注意 另一个短语a spin off 表示由什么派生出来。比如子...