• 如何熬过完结综合征

    22-07-04 Watch all the accompanying content around the show 观看周边内容 Were talking interviews, behind-the-scenes, bloopers, cast reunions, memes and more. 这包括采访、幕后故事、花絮、演员重聚、表情包等。 The digital world is endless, and if youre willing...

  • 书后忧伤综合征

    22-07-04 全情投入追完一部剧、看完一本好书之后,发现自己陷入了一种忧郁、失落的状态,仿佛失恋一般? 你不是一个人!英语中还专门有描述这种状态的术语,书后忧伤综合征(post-book blues)或剧后忧伤综合征(post-series blues),中文网络上被称作完结综合征。 这种综合征...

  • 课堂上老师的常用语-总结

    22-06-22 In summary/To conclude/In conclusion 总之/概括起来/综上所述 The conclusions we can draw from this are 由此,我们可以得出以下结论: What we have been talking about 我们之前一直在讲的问题就是 Okay, we have discussed 好了,我们已经讨论过 So far (up unt...

  • real bomb 在公众场所或舞台上表演失败或表现欠佳

    22-06-22 Real bomb Bomb在口语里是指在公众场所或舞台上表演失败或表现欠佳,通常与real一起使用。 例如:The show was a real bomb, so I cut out early. 这个剧很糟糕,所以我提前退场了。(cut out = leave) 值得注意的是:real bomb有時也指真正的炸弹。 例如: The police...

  • hooray 十分兴奋和高兴

    22-06-13 hooray a word that you shout to show that you are excited and happy about something 当你对某件事感到十分兴奋和高兴的时候喊出的词语,主要用于口语。 例句: Hooray! they shouted as the team scored again. 当球队再次得分时,他们大呼好哇!。...

  • squee 十分兴奋或开心

    22-06-13 squee used to show that you are excited or happy 表示十分兴奋或开心,口语用法。 例句: The next Game of Thrones book is out? SQUEE!!! 《权利的游戏》系列的新作出啦?太棒啦!!!...

  • 约会口语-约会安排

    22-06-10 你约别人干神马?吃饭好不?看电影咋样?给一个对方不忍 Say No 的理由吧~ 1. Would you like to go to a show with me? 你愿意和我一起去看演出吗? 2. Id like to invite you to a show. 我想邀请你去看演出。 3. I heard that movie, Spectre, is about to hit the...

  • I am from Missouri. 不轻易相信别人。

    22-06-09 这句话有时后面要加一句:I need to be shown.或You have got to show me.,意思是密苏里州的人很固执 (stubborn),不太信任别人,一定要人家证明一下(prove it to me),所以密苏里州也被称为The Show Me State。 据说这句话所以流行 (尤其在美国中西部) 是因为美国一...

  • 称赞或者吐槽电视节目的地道口语

    22-06-09 1. 如果是喜剧,你可以说: That show is hilarious! 那个剧太搞笑了! Its super funny. 超级有意思! 2. 如果是剧情片,你可以说: Its action-packed. 剧情太刺激了。 Its really suspenseful. 情节真是悬念迭起。 3. 如果觉得好看,你可以说: It was fascinating....

  • 中了某剧的毒

    22-06-07 1. It is normally the sort of show I would hate. 原本我是不会看这种剧的。 2. But Ive found myself tuning in to it week after week. 但一周周的看下来,我发现自己已经中毒。 3. Thats a hell of a story. 剧情太赞了。 4. The leads have done full justice to...