• 多数美国父母未能对孩子进行性教育

    11-01-15 American parents say they should be the ones to teach their children about sex but many believe that role is being filled by kids' friends and the media, a new study finds. 一项新调查显示,很多美国父母都认为应该由他们来向孩子介绍性知识,但是很多人也...

  • 环境凉爽时节 雌蝴蝶会追求雄蝴蝶

    11-01-07 If you want to be surrounded by females on the prowl(徘徊) , it pays to be cool, at least if you are a male butterfly. In an unusual example of sex role reversals(逆转,撤销) , females actively court(招致,献殷勤) males after being exposed to...

  • 调查:婚后性生活 感情更稳固

    10-12-28 The Beckhams say that quality time is the secret behind their happy marriage, while Michael Douglas once credited Viagra with the secret to his. 贝克汉姆夫妇称他们婚姻幸福的秘诀是多和家人在一起,而迈克尔道格拉斯则一度把他的美满婚姻归功于伟哥。 But,...

  • 女人只需三分钟就可断定是否喜欢一个男人

    10-12-27 They say you should never judge a book by its cover. But when it comes to the opposite sex, it seems that's exactly what women do. It takes a woman just three minutes to make up her mind about whether she likes a man or not, a study has revealed. 人...

  • 某脑部基因可控制性别改变

    10-12-23 Australian scientists have discovered that changes to a gene involved in brain development can lead to testis(睾丸) formation and male genitalia(外生殖器) in an otherwise female embryo. Lead Melbourne researcher Professor Andrew Sinclair, of the...

  • 英国青少年更关心家庭价值观

    10-12-12 Teenagers would rather be taught about family values than about sex, a survey has found. 一项调查发现,英国青少年更想多学习一些有关家庭价值观的知识而非性知识。 They see the responsibilities of being a parent as the number one fact of life ahead of s...

  • 布莱尔回忆录被提名“拙劣性爱奖”

    10-10-23 Former prime minister's memoir nominated for prize dedicated to clumsy erotic scenes in fiction. 英国前首相布莱尔的回忆录日前获得拙劣性爱奖提名,而这一殊荣原本只颁给小说作品。 'I was an animal' ... Tony Blair kisses Cherie. Tony Blair has received a...

  • 奥斯丁获评美国最性感的城市

    10-09-18 New York, Las Vegas or Los Angeles may seem like more likely choices but Austin, Texas has been named the sexiest city in the United States in a magazine survey. 也许纽约、拉斯维加斯或洛杉矶给人的感觉更性感,然而一家杂志的调查显示,德克萨斯州的奥斯...

  • 研究:买到特价商品的兴奋感与性爱相当

    10-09-18 Retail therapy is often said to make up for a poor love life and now new research has shown why. 人们常说购物疗法可以弥补一个人感情生活的不幸,如今有新的研究揭示了其中的原因。 A study has discovered that shoppers get the same level of emotional exci...

  • 英政府禁止发布涉性招聘广告

    10-08-07 Britain is to ban employers looking for lap dancers, strippers, topless barmaids or sexy web-cam performers from placing adverts at Jobcentres. 日前,英国政府宣布将禁止在就业服务中心发布招聘大腿舞舞女、脱衣舞女、裸胸酒吧女招待或性感视频女郎的广告。...