• Horse and Rider

    10-09-26 Horse and Rider Melissa Range Sing unto(到,直到) the Lord a drift of a song, a song that goes before the Law: make of your voice a shaft of flame shifting into cloud and back again, a rift in a wave, a crack(裂缝) in a wheel, a road in the mids...

  • 横贯南极洲的海道可能存在

    10-09-01 A tiny marine filter-feeder, that anchors itself to the sea bed, offers new clues to scientists studying the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet a region that is thought to be vulnerable to collapse. As part of a study for the Census of Antarc...

  • 南极海冰增加之谜

    10-08-17 While Arctic sea ice has been diminishing(减少,衰减) in recent decades, the Antarctic sea ice extent has been increasing slightly. Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology provide an explanation for the seeming paradox(悖论,反论) o...

  • 英国石油在油井泄露处成功安装新密封帽

    10-07-13 BP has successfully installed a new sealing cap on the leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well, company officials say. 英国石油公司官员称,公司已成功在墨西哥湾油井渗漏处安装一个新的密封帽。 BP's undersea robots have fitted the sealing cap on top of the well...

  • 营养物、病毒与生物碳泵之相互联系

    10-07-01 Adding nutrients to the sea could decrease viral infection(病毒性感染) rates among phytoplankton(浮游植物) and enhance the efficiency of the biological pump, a means by which carbon is transferred from the atmosphere to the deep ocean, according...

  • 南极地区发现新品种无脊椎动物

    10-05-27 The polyps(水螅珊瑚) of the new gorgonia(柳珊瑚) discovered, Tauroprimnoa austasensis and Digitogorgia kuekenthali, in the region of Austasen, in the Eastern Weddell Sea, and to the south-east of the Falklands and Isla Nueve (in Chilean Patagoni...

  • A Shameful Affair 一件可耻的事情

    10-05-17 Mildred orme(榆木) , seated in the snuggest corner of the big front porch of the Kraummer farmhouse, was as content as a girl need hope to be. This was no such farm as one reads about in humorous fiction. Here were swelling(膨胀的,肿大的) acres...

  • 墨西哥湾原油泄露情况比预想糟糕

    10-04-29 The US Coast Guard has said five times as much oil as previously thought is leaking from a well beneath where a rig sank in the Gulf of Mexico last week. 美国海岸警卫队称,墨西哥湾钻井火灾事故发生海域的原油泄露量是预想的五倍之多。 Vessels swept some...

  • 美国石油钻井爆炸可能影响到周边海洋环境

    10-04-26 There are fears of an environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, as efforts to clear up an oil spill have been suspended because of bad weather. 美国墨西哥湾海域原油清理工作因天气原因被迫停止,有人担心这会对附近海域的生态环境造成影响。 The slick...

  • 韩国失事船只的船尾已被打捞出水面

    10-04-15 The South Korean navy has begun to raise the stern section of one of its warships which sank after an unexplained explosion last month. 韩国海军将上个月意外爆炸沉没的军舰船尾打捞出海面。 The Cheonan sank in mysterious circumstances Fifty-eight sailo...