• 《帕丁顿熊2》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. If we look after this bear, I have a feeling hell go far. 如果我们收留他,我有预感他将来前途远大。 2. Ive really got to grips with how things work. 我终于习惯了这里的生活方式。 3. Hang on, how old do you think I am? 等等,你以为我几岁? 4. Plenty...

  • 《冰雪奇缘》第17章

    23-01-30 Kristoff and Sven led Anna and Olaf through a rocky area of the mountains, weaving through valleys and hills. Darkness had fallen, but the northern lights lit the sky with a green glow. Anna hoped Kristoffs friends wouldnt mind that they were stoppi...

  • 保护沉船遗址

    23-01-29 十年前联合国科教文组织(UNESCO)通过法案保护100年前的深海沉船。现存问题是是否应该保护那些历史少于100年,而且有人不幸丧生的船只残...

  • 《海底总动员-1》第12章

    23-01-18 Back in the ocean, Marlin rubbed his head. He felt a little funny, like hed been sleeping too long. Then he remembered the jellyfish. He had been sleepingrecovering from the poisonous jellyfish stings. He blinked, trying to focus. Two giant eyes sta...

  • 《海底总动员-2》第13章

    22-12-28 I DID NOT LOSE THEM! Dory shouted. She opened her eyes and saw that she was in a shallow pool. Sand and fake rocks were scattered about, and it was eerily quiet. Dory searched for her friend. Hank? she called. But there was no answer. A variety of s...

  • 《海底总动员-2》第12章

    22-12-26 Dory and Hank pulled up near the sea otter area, where a perky tour guide was talking to a group of excited tourists. Looking for the worlds most powerful pair of glasses, Dory said as she glanced around. She gasped when she saw the otters swimming...

  • 《海洋奇缘》第8章

    22-12-21 Moana clutched her oar in one hand and Heihei in the other as she ducked behind the boat, trying to prepare herself. Maui, demigod of the wind and sea? I am Moana of Motunui. You will board my boatnoyou will board my boatyou will board my boat, yeah...

  • 《海洋奇缘》第7章

    22-12-21 Moana paddled through the night and into the next day. With the bright sun shining down, she repeated and rehearsed what Gramma Tala had told her to say to Maui, like a mantra. I am Moana of Motunui, you will board my boat, sail across the sea, and...

  • 西班牙港口城市将禁止游客在海洋中小便

    22-11-28 新规定出台后,在西班牙港口城市维戈海滨游泳的人若在海里小便,则可能被处以数百英镑的罚款。 Its unclear how exactly this rule banning unwanted drops in the ocean will be enforced. But the new decree states that anyone caught in the act of physiological...

  • 格陵兰岛“僵尸冰”融化将使全球海平面上升至少27厘米

    22-09-09 气候变暖不断威胁着全球生态和人类生存空间。美国全国广播公司8月30日报道称,一项最新研究显示,格陵兰岛僵尸冰的融化将使全球海平面上升至少27厘米。 Zombie ice from the massive Greenland ice sheet will eventually raise global sea level by at least 10 inche...