• 海平面上升 马尔代夫打算建造海上家园

    10-04-10 因海平面不断上升,印度洋岛国马尔代夫将在2100年面临陆沉,大批国民将可能无处安身。为了应对这一危机,马尔代夫政府于上月跟一家荷兰公司签约,打算建造一片海上家园,解决海平面上升后国民的安置问题。 This aerial picture taken on September 7, 2009 shows the a...

  • 地中海海底发现厌氧生物

    10-04-09 Deep under the Mediterranean Sea small animals have been discovered that live their entire lives without oxygen and surrounded by 'poisonous' sulphides(硫化物) . Researchers writing in the open access(开架阅览) journal BMC Biology report the exi...

  • 商业捕渔误杀大约数百万只海龟

    10-04-07 The number of sea turtles inadvertently(非故意地) snared(捕捉,诱惑) by commercial fishing gear(钓鱼用具,打捞装置) over the past 20 years may reach into the millions, according to the first peer-reviewed study to compile sea turtle bycatch(...

  • 井底之蛙

    10-04-01 Have you not heard of the frog that lived in a shallow well? It said to a turtle(海龟) that lived in the East Sea, I am so happy! When I go out, I jump about on the railing(栏杆,扶手) beside the mouth of the well. When I come home, I rest in th...

  • 数十只船只被困波罗的海海冰之中

    10-03-05 Four ships have broken free after being stuck in the ice in the Baltic Sea, but around 50 remain stuck, officials say. 四艘船只从波罗的海海冰之中成功破冰而出,但是仍然有大约50只船只被困其中。 Some ships are stranded(搁浅) in the waters between Sto...

  • 澳大利亚否决海岸建设计划

    10-03-01 Fears over rising sea levels have prompted planning authorities in southern Australia to reject a coastal development. 对于海平面上涨的恐惧促使澳大利亚南方规划部门否决了一项沿海发展计划。 About 80% of Australians live in coastal areas It is a decisi...

  • 美国堪萨斯州发现巨型捕食鲨化石

    10-02-25 The fossilised remains of a gigantic 10m-long predatory shark have been unearthed in Kansas, US. 美国堪萨斯州发现一具10米长的巨大食肉鲨鱼的骨骼化石。 A nurse shark may be similar in shape but not size to the prehistoric fossil Scientists dug up a gi...

  • 冰河时期海平面变化理论可能要被改写

    10-02-12 Theories about the rates of ice accumulation(积聚,累积) and melting during the Quaternary Period(第四纪) -- the time interval(时间间隔) ranging from 2.6 million years ago to the present -- may need to be revised, thanks to research findings p...

  • 摩纳哥土地不够 计划填海扩地

    09-12-31 摩纳哥王子阿尔伯特二世最近表示要通过填海扩地的方式扩大土地面积,以缓解人口过于密集的现状。据悉,该项工程将耗资100亿英镑,计划自王宫和历史中心所在地西部的芳薇耶区向地中海扩展,扩地面积约12.5英亩,相当于5个足球场那么大,规划中的建筑物包括豪华地产、写...

  • The touchstone

    09-12-21 When the great library of Alexandria亚历山大 burned, the story goes, one book was saved. But it was not a valuable book; and so a poor man, who could read a little, bought it for a few coppers. The book wasn't very interesting, but between its pages...