• 日本核泄漏使各国慎对核项目

    11-03-20 日本福岛核电站因地震和海啸发生爆炸,受此警示,欧盟一些国家宣布暂停新建核设施项目。不过,也有专家和官员表示,虽然各国的核设施发展会因此而减慢,但鉴于各国不断增长的能源需求,核能发展不可能就此停止。 Switzerland freezes plans to build new nuclear plant...

  • 美国就原油泄漏案起诉英国石油公司

    10-12-16 The US is suing BP and eight other firms for allegedly violating federal safety regulations in connection with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. 美国将会对英国石油以及其它八家公司提起诉讼,这九家公司违反联邦安全守则导致墨西哥湾原油泄漏。 The Deepwater H...

  • 索马里歹徒释放劫持的英国救援人员

    10-10-20 A British security consultant kidnapped six days ago by gunmen in Somalia has been released, the charity Save the Children says. 慈善组织救助儿童会称,六天前在索马里被持枪歹徒劫持的一名英国安全顾问已经被释放。 Zimbabwean-born Frans Barnard was seize...

  • 八成以上工人认为工作安全是第一位的

    10-08-31 85 percent rate workplace safety first in importance among labor standards, even ahead of family and maternity leave(产假) , minimum wage, paid sick days, overtime pay and the right to join a union, according to a new study from the National Opini...

  • 欧盟计划为汽车安装“黑匣子”

    10-07-25 为了在未来十年内将道路交通死亡人数减少一半,欧盟最近提出了一系列道路安全行动计划,其中包括建议在公交车、出租车以及货车上安装功能类似飞机黑匣子的行驶数据记录器。 Buses, taxis and lorries(卡车) could be fitted with aircraft style black boxes under E...

  • 欧盟禁止伊朗航空喷气机入境

    10-07-07 Most of Iran Air's jets will be banned from flying to the EU because of safety concerns, the European Commission says. 欧盟委员会称,考虑到安全问题,大部分伊朗航空飞向欧盟的喷气机将被禁止入境。 Iranian planes are being refuelled as normal, the forei...

  • 英国父母过度担心孩子安全问题

    10-05-08 Fearful parents are saying no to sleep-overs, banning children as old as 15 from using public transport on their own and watching over their kids like hawks at the local park, according to a new British study. 英国一项最新调查表明,英国父母因担心孩...

  • 丰田:车辆召回非电气因素导致

    10-03-09 Toyota has rejected claims that faulty electronics are behind its worldwide recall of more than eight million cars. 对于此次全球召回超过800万辆汽车,丰田否认了有缺陷的电子问题是导致召回的说法。 The recalls have hit Toyota's image The company said me...

  • 美国任命施密特为网络安全主管

    09-12-23 The White House has appointed its cyber tsar, following a seven month search. 美国白宫经历7个月的寻觅终于任命第一任网络安全主管。 President Obama emphasised cybersecurity while campaigning Howard Schmidt, a former eBay and Microsoft executive who ad...

  • Safety call over stem cell trips 科学家呼吁注意干细胞安全性

    09-09-04 A clampdown on unproven and potentially unsafe stem cell research is being called for by an expert group. 一个专家小组被召集到一起调查对未证实的、潜在危险的干细胞的限制。 Stem cells in umbilical cord blood have been used to treat blood disease Bione...