• 《魔发奇缘》第16章

    22-09-08 The crash of the dam bursting was earth-shaking. Water roared into the cavern. The powerful moving wall of water knocked down a pillar as Flynn ran. Dashing at top speed, he caught up with Rapunzel and Pascal. Flynn grabbed an armload of Rapunzels h...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 50

    22-07-21 Philip could not get the unhappy event out of his head. What troubled him most was the uselessness of Fannys effort. No one could have worked harder than she, nor with more sincerity; she believed in herself with all her heart; but it was plain that...

  • tech creche 电子产品托儿所

    22-03-29 现在的人们已经习惯了有手机作伴,而渐渐忽略了身边的人、事、景。电子产品托儿所(tech creche)应运而生,它将告诉我们怎样去享受大自然、拥抱大自然。 The trilling of mobile phones in the forest may be a thing of the past with the introduction of what is b...

  • 好吃 上

    22-03-11 1. yummy /jmi/ 好吃的; 美味的 小朋友最爱说的就是yummy,听起来很可爱,也很有韵律。 Well, I believe it is safe. Wow! Just look at those yummy-looking tomatoes! 唔,我相信它是安全的。哇! 瞧瞧那些看起来很美味的西红柿! 2. tasty /test/ n. 可口的东西; adj....

  • 纽约74%选民认为该市犯罪问题非常严重

    22-02-14 纽约市74%的选民认为该市犯罪问题非常严重,这是自1999年昆尼皮亚克大学民意调查首次将这个话题纳入民意调查以来的最高纪录。这项于2月3日至7日对1343名登记选民进行的调查显示,犯罪是纽约面临的最紧迫问题。65%的选民担心自己会成为犯罪的受害者。 As much as 74 per...

  • to be on the safe side 谨慎起见;以防万一

    22-01-29 (just) to be on the safe side的意思是谨慎起见;以防万一,直接用在句末就可以了。 Im sure it wont rain, but Ill take an umbrella (just) to be on the safe side (= to be ready if it does rain). 我知道不会下雨,但是为了以防万一,我还是要带把...

  • 和“计算机安全”有关的词汇

    21-10-02 在网络技术迅速发展的现代社会中,保护个人信息的安全非常重要。比如,有些人为了不丢失数据而选择给它们备份备份用英语怎么说?试做本集《英语小测验》,学习和网络隐私、计算机安全有关的表达。 1. To keep the information on your computer safe, its important to...

  • in safe hands 在可靠的人手中

    21-08-04 如果形容某人是 in safe hands 意思就是他们是在可靠的人手中,有强人在关照。 例句 John is going to be operated on by one of the best surgeons in the country. Hes in safe hands. The new CEO of the company had degrees in engineering and business administ...

  • get a good lead 遥遥领先

    21-07-27 遥遥领先,汉语成语,意思是远远地走在最前面,多指成绩、比赛等大幅度领先,可以翻译为be far ahead,get a good lead或hold a safe lead。常见表达如比分遥遥领先(make a lopsided score)。 例句: 他们在民调中遥遥领先。 They are comfortably ahead in the opin...

  • as safe as houses 非常安全

    21-06-15 如果有人对一件事是否安全心存疑虑,我们就可以用表达 as safe as houses 像房子一样安全 来安慰他们此事 绝对安全、十分保险。 据说,这个英式表达源自维多利亚时代。因为在那时,相对于高风险的铁路股票来说,投资房产 houses 要安全得多,所以人们开始用 as safe as...