• 特斯拉车主“刹车失灵”维权事件

    21-04-22 4月19日,在上海车展特斯拉展位现场,一名女子身穿刹车失灵字样T恤站在车顶喊话引发关注。 上海市公安局青浦分局4月20日发布通报, Two women caused chaos at the trade fair on Monday when they arrived at the Tesla display to express their dissatisfaction due...

  • 无人驾驶汽车

    21-02-27 I passed my driving test at the fourth attempt. You might think that means Im not as safe as someone who passed first time. But would you feel safer with no driver at all? Maybe not, and its for this reason that automotive firms have included driver...

  • 去年撤离武汉的英国人:在中国其实更安全

    21-02-04 我被困在了这里,像蹲监狱一样,首批撤离武汉的英国人马特劳(Matt Raw)在柴郡郊区一座小房子里如是说。劳回到英国遭受了网络暴力,加上英国疫情严重,一家人去年只出过一次门。 2020年1月31日,第一架英国撤侨专机起飞,带着83名英国人逃离武汉。劳一家就在乘客之列...

  • perfectly safe万无一失

    20-12-02 万无一失,汉语成语,比喻十分稳妥,绝对不会出差错。可以翻译为guarantee complete success; no risk at all; nothing will go wrong; perfectly safe等。 例句: 由他掌舵,通过这段激流险滩是万无一失的。 With him at the helm, we are a hundred percent safe cro...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 10

    20-11-11 POLLYS happiest day was Sunday, for Will never failed to spend it with her. Instead of sleeping later than usual that morning, she was always up bright and early, flying round to get ready for her guest, for Will came to breakfast, and they made a l...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 6

    16-06-17 Emma could not feel a doubt of having given Harriets fancy a proper direction and raised the gratitude of her young vanity to a very good purpose, for she found her decidedly more sensible than before of Mr. Eltons being a remarkably handsome man, w...

  • 如何面对关系近得令人感到不舒服的人

    16-05-27 Close your eyes for a moment. Youll know just who I mean here, and its okay. You dont need to say his name aloud. Maybe youre married. Or hes married. Or both. But youve envisioned a parallel life -- one you will never live, and wont ruin your perfec...

  • 2015年成航空史上“非常安全的一年”

    16-02-15 The year of 2015 has been an extraordinarily safe year for airline business with less air accidents and fatalities, said the International Air Transport Association (IATA) on Monday, one day before the Singapore Airshow. 本周一,新加坡航空展的前一天...

  • 美国情侣整修住宅时在墙内发现保险箱

    15-09-05 Imagine you're doing some home DIY, you knock through a wall, discover a safe and inside find $50,000 and a treasure hunt. 想象一下,你正在自己动手整修住宅,敲穿一处墙壁后,发现了一个保险箱,里面有5万美元和一个寻宝游戏。 It's almost too fun to be tr...

  • 双酚基丙烷的安全替代品

    14-05-23 Numerous studies have linked exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic, receipt paper, toys, and other products with various health problems from poor growth to cancer, and the FDA has been supporting efforts to find and use alternatives. But are the...