• 《超能陆战队》第22章

    23-01-29 Professor Callaghan! Hiro said, confused. The team was starting to recover and was now standing next to Hiro. But ... the explosion. You died, Hiro said. No, your microbots kept me safe, Callaghan replied. Hiros mind was racing. But Tadashi ... you...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第12章

    22-12-21 Years further in the past, Alice steered the Chronosphere to a safe landing. Once again, she stood on the outskirts of Witzend, but this time the air had a winter bite. Her shoes crunched on the frost-covered ground as she made her way into the vill...

  • baby box 婴儿箱

    22-09-28 上周,美国印第安纳州的一则新闻凸显了一个有趣的词汇:baby box 婴儿箱。 美国的大多数州都有避风港法,有时也被称为摩西婴儿法(Baby Moses Laws,在美国,如果父母生下了宝宝不愿意抚养,可以把孩子留给政府来抚养,但不得遗弃在马路上,必须要送到医院、警察局、消...

  • steady and sure 四平八稳

    22-09-22 四平八稳,汉语成语,形容说话做事稳当,也形容做事只求不出差错,缺乏积极创新精神。可以翻译为steady and sure,playing safe,lacking in initiative等。 例句: 他办事总是四平八稳。 He is always lacking in initiatives....

  • 《魔发奇缘》第25章

    22-09-08 Rapunzel! Flynn yelled as he jumped off Maximuss back. No answer. Rapunzel, let down your hair! he yelled again, desperately hoping she was safe. Swoosh! Rapunzels long blond hair glided out of the window and down the tower. She was alive! Grasping...