• 江东赴会

    11-07-06 This is a story from Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu of Wu Kingdom was a strategist but he was narrow-minded and jealous of people smarter than him. So he had always been thinking of killing Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei of Shu Kingdom. One day, he invited Liu Be...

  • 回荆州

    11-07-06 This is story from Three Kingdoms. Tricked by Zhou Yu, Liu Bei married Sun Shangxiang, Sun Quan's younger sister. After the wedding ceremony, Liu Bei stayed in the state of Wu. In light of Zhuge Liang's plan, Zhao Yun made a false report to Liu Bei...

  • 全球水库堤坝数据图绘制成功

    11-06-03 Humans have been building reservoirs(水库) and dams for thousands of years. Over the past few decades, their construction has spiked as our need to harness water critical in flood control, irrigation, recreation, navigation and the creation of hyd...

  • The Dragons Who Rained 布雨之龙

    11-05-19 Long, long ago, rain stopped falling in China. The people prayed for rain to the Jade Emperor, for it was he who looked after everything in heaven, on the land and in the sea, but no matter how much they prayed, rain did not fall. Four dragons lived...

  • 澳昆士兰暴雨已持续近一个月

    11-01-15 已经连续近一个月的暴雨和洪水使澳大利亚昆士兰州大部成为灾区,目前已有至少10人丧生,70多人下落不明。 Thousands of Brisbane residents have been forced to evacuate their homes as the city braces itself for its worst flooding in more than a century. Thou...

  • 澳大利亚空运救援物资至昆士兰州

    11-01-04 Australian military aircraft are ferrying more supplies to a flood-hit city in Queensland as river levels continue to rise. 澳大利亚昆士兰州洪水水位持续上涨,军用飞机将救援物资运载到这座被洪水袭击的城市。 The Fitzroy River at Rockhampton is due to p...

  • 海狸在河流整治中的作用

    11-01-04 When engineers restore rivers, one Kansas State University professor hopes they'll keep a smaller engineer in mind: the North American beaver(海狸) . Beavers are often called ecosystem engineers because they can radically alter stream or valley bo...

  • 一座古特拉维夫堡垒的秘密

    10-12-29 Tel Qudadi, an ancient fortress(堡垒,要塞) located in the heart of Tel Aviv at the mouth of the Yarkon River, was first excavated more than 70 years ago ― but the final results of neither the excavations nor the finds were ever published. Now, r...

  • 新研究有助于保护大西洋鲟鱼

    10-10-07 A first-of-its-kind study that tracked the oceanic migrations of adult Atlantic sturgeon(鲟鱼) that were caught and tagged in the Hudson River discovered that these fish move vast distances in the Atlantic Ocean, traveling as far south as Georgia...

  • 民主刚果发生翻船事故 140人死亡

    10-07-30 Up to 140 people are feared dead after a boat carrying passengers and goods capsized on a river in the Democratic Republic of Congo, officials say. 刚果民主共和国一艘载有乘客和货物的轮船发生翻船事故,多达140名乘客可能已死亡。 The accident happened o...