• 描述走路方式的四个动词

    22-12-08 1. Stroll 的意思是 为了放松而走路,散步,既可以作动词用,也可以作名词用。 We strolled by the river yesterday. It was lovely. We took a stroll around the park to get some fresh air. He is going for a stroll along the beach. 2. 动词 pace 有 来回踱步...

  • 《恐龙当家》第19章

    22-11-09 The storm raged as Arlo ran up the mountain as fast as he could. He began to howl, calling for Spot. A bolt of lightning struck the ground and hit a nearby tree. Arlo dodged out of the way as the giant tree crashed to the wilderness floor with a dea...

  • 《恐龙当家》第7章

    22-11-07 Eventually, dazed and achy, Arlo opened his eyes and looked around. His legs were still in the water, and his body was beached on a small sandbar. He was miles down the river and very far from home. Some big logs were jammed together next to him, ma...