• #悔脱欧 为英国脱欧写首诗

    16-06-27 To be in the European Union, or not to be? That was the question. 留欧,还是脱欧?这是一个问题。 After the United Kingdom voted on Thursday to leave the EU, many of its citizens are now turning to poetry to deal with the uncertain aftermath. As a pe...

  • referendum 公投

    14-05-23 An overwhelming 96.6 percent of Crimean voters chose to join Russia in the Sunday's referendum on the status of the Ukraine's autonomous republic, according to the latest official results. 据最新官方数据显示,周日有关克里米亚主权状态的公投中,有96.6...

  • 新西兰将公投决定是否改变国旗图案

    14-03-11 New Zealand is to hold a referendum on whether to change the national flag, Prime Minister John Key has announced. 新西兰总理约翰基宣布,将就是否改变国旗图案一事举行全民公决。 Mr Key said that the current flag represented a post-colonial era that ha...

  • 埃及可能将于2014年1月举行全民公投

    13-11-26 A referendum on Egypt's amended constitution is likely to take place in January, the interim PM has said. 埃及宪法修正案中规定的全民公投可能将于明年一月份举行。 Hazem Beblawi said the referendum would take place in the second half of January - later...

  • 埃及将公布宪法草案投票结果

    12-12-24 Egypt is due to announce the official results of a referendum on a controversial draft constitution. 埃及即将公布颇受争议的宪法草案的全民投票结果。 Early unofficial results suggested more than 60% of voters said yes to the document, which is endorse...

  • 南苏丹公投注册限期推迟一周

    10-11-29 Southern Sudan has given potential voters an extra week to register for January's referendum on possible independence. 南苏丹向明年一月份全民公投的潜在选民提供另外一周的注册时间,此次公投将可能使南苏丹独立。 The authorities said moving the deadline...

  • 冰岛否决偿还冰储银行债务的计划

    10-03-07 Voters in Iceland have overwhelmingly rejected proposals to pay the UK and the Netherlands in the wake of collapse of the Icesave bank. 冰岛选民以压倒性的投票驳回了因冰储银行倒闭而赔偿英国和荷兰的提议。 Some 230,000 Icelanders were eligible to vote...

  • 非洲联盟外交官:苏丹就像一个火药桶

    10-01-29 A vote for independence in oil-rich Southern Sudan's referendum next year could be catastrophic, the African Union's top diplomat has warned. 非洲联盟首席外交官警告,苏丹南部含油区明年举行的独立公投可能是灾难性的。 African Union troops have a massiv...

  • 苏丹领导人与南部达成公决协议

    09-12-14 The leaders of Sudan and of its semi-autonomous southern region say they have reached a deal on the terms of a referendum on independence. 苏丹领导人与南部半自治区领导达成独立全民公决协议。 Mr Kiir spent many years as a guerrilla fighting the Kharto...

  • 瑞士选民支持禁止宣礼塔扩建

    09-11-30 Swiss voters have supported a referendum proposal to ban the building of minarets, official results show. 瑞士官方结果显示,瑞士选民赞成禁止建设清真宣礼塔的公民请求。 There are only four minarets in Switzerland More than 57% of voters and 22 out of...